[h1][center]Earth in Limbo: A Multiverse Roleplay[/center][/h1] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/b87o2AN.jpg[/img][/center] The year is 2020, and Earth has come to the very brink of destruction. In an event called "The Harrowing", dimensional rifts opened across the entire globe. Within the timeframe of a few seconds, every nation on the planet was put under siege by organizations and monstrosities so outlandish that they could only be called fantastical. However, those that found themselves in this new world, Earth, were just as bewildered as those they intruded upon. Having been torn from their homeworlds and dumped on this planet without any knowledge of a means to return, they were forced to make sense of their new surroundings and prevent their own destruction. Within a few days, the majority of world governments had simply collapsed- unable to enforce their will beyond whatever bunkers or military installations the elite still had under their control. The global movement of food, medical supplies, and other essentials stopping over night. The introduction of monstrous beasts, super powered beings, and possibly tyrannical organizations all from other worlds quickly hurried this collapse along. The intensity of dimensional rifts were horrendous in these early days, eradicating the landscape in some areas. Famine, wars, and major climate shift resulted in the death of untold masses. The Earth has been shattered, but after half a year the dust has settled and some stability has returned. Remainders of the Old Worlds government have reasserted themselves in some irrelevant corners of the globe, as have new nations created by survivors and refugees. But the true kings of this new world are those organizations that crossed the gulf of time and space from other worlds and survived- even thrived in the Harrowing. Replacing Old World countries, they are the new masters of this Earth- their only competition being each other. And of course, the hordes of monsters that are now a bit too common for your average civilian. [hr] So, what exactly is this RP? Put simply, a bunch of portals opened across the Earth, depositing monsters, factions, and individuals from across the multiverse all over the planet. The portals themselves were volatile enough to cause mass destruction and climate change, but the things coming out of them finalized the collapse of the global order. Without easy access to food, water, or supplies, many people died. The various beings and factions that emerged from the dimensional rifts assumed a leadership role, dominating survivors of The Harrowing- the name of the disaster. Two super alliances have emerged to dominate the post Harrowing Earth, with the rest of the world caught inbetween. Despite the faction sheet, this roleplay will focus on the characters within the factions, as they live through diplomacy, quests, conflict, and intrigue. As a multiversal roleplay, you can make your own original character/faction, or use a canon prexisting one. Since this is just an interest check, I'll elaborate on the finer details later. For now, I just want to see if anyone would like to join and what ideas they may have if they do. The sheets are up for your convenience, but I'm not going through the motions of approvals and such just yet(I would suggest waiting until the OOC is up before doing anything but an outline). Questions however are very welcome [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Simple enough Origin: What universe they hail from Alignment: Who do you work for? It could be a faction, an alliance, or even another character specifically Appearance: You may use words or a picture Age: Simple enough Gender: Simple enough Species: If they are a modified human, note it here Personality: Your characters thought process, values, and perspective on the world Background: Where were they before the Harrowing? What did they do? What was their role in that world? Post-Harrowing Biography: What has this character done since they've arrived on this version of Earth? Skills: These are skills anyone can learn such as martial arts or mathematics Abilities: Special abilities such as nanomachines or magical powers Equipment: Weapons, gear, or even vehicles your character has at their immediate disposal [/hider] [hider=Faction Sheet] Name: Simple enough Flag: You may use words or a picture Alignment: Relative to the three categories of "First World", "Second World", and "Third World" Origin: What universe they hail from Government: The basics concerning your factions government, leadership, how it operates, and some of its goals Society: How do the civilians, if any, live in your faction? What is the culture like? How are the people who make up your faction organized? Claimed Lands: What lands does this faction own completely? What lands do they immediately claim? Military: Your armed forces and their current state post Harrowing. Demographs: What sort of species or people make up your faction? How have they dealt with the local population of this Earth? Background: Where were they before the Harrowing? What did they do? What was their role in that world? Post-Harrowing Biography: After being forcibly moved to this planet, what have they done? How did they react to the harrowing, establish order, and start to stabilize their position on Earth? Notable Members: Nameworthy persons who are part of this faction including OCs; details are appreciated [/hider] [hider=Alliances] These are the two alliances that dominate the post harrowing Earth. While open conflict has yet to be initiated, hostilities are brimming even now, merely months after their creation. Conflict, open or by proxy, seems inevitable. "First World", and "Second World" are merely placeholder names for the two alliances. I'd like the players who have membership in both to define and create each from the ground up, so that the interaction between the two can be interesting. First World All the members of this alliance will be capable of defining it among themselves; its history, the factions who have membership in it, its rules, how centralized it is, its goals, etc. Second World All the members of this alliance will be capable of defining it among themselves; its history, the factions who have membership in it, its rules, how centralized it is, its goals, etc. Third World This isn't an alliance, but rather, any non aligned country(at the start of the roleplay) would be here. [/hider]