[center][img]https://s14.postimg.org/4wksi17lt/tumblr_mxms3w_Tq_YA1sgxh69o1_500_2.png[/img][/center] [color=OrangeRed] [center] [h1] Theodore Maxwell[/h1] [/center] [/color] [@LovelyAnastasia][@Silver Fox][@The Survivor][@dabombjk] [hr] [u][b]Present time: Cornerstone[/b][/u] It seemed the rather tall person seemed to like being call a sunflower, Theo watching their reactions closely in case he needed to flee should the mountain of human got upset and threw a punch. While waiting for some sort of reaction Theo much to his embarrassment was trying to work out the person gender. Maybe it was alcohol already in his system but he was having trouble laying a clear finger on it. Only hazarding a guess as female when she patted him on the head/ Theo instinctively raising his head like a cat would when patting their head. Theo quite happy that woman didn't mind, positive his guess had to be correct. He made a mental note, thinking he'd want to keep the larger woman happy. Pretty sure she'd throw a mean punch if she got angry. As the taller woman tapped on the bar Theo huffed quickly using his left hand to mess his hair up. Seeing the taller woman was busy Theo's gaze shifted to the smaller woman now able to get a proper look at her. [color=OrangeRed][i]"Well she's quite the looker. Being said she a red head and they always look good."[/i][/color] he thought his mind bring attention the fact he might of been rude to her. Offering his booth then pretty much ignoring her in favor of the taller woman. However he caught as a glimpse of how the taller woman was taking to the bartender. Watching with a raised eyebrow as she made several what he would call odd hand signs. Finding it amazing the bartender seemed to know exactly was being communicated. [color=OrangeRed][i]"A mute? Or could it be she a little shy, maybe hates the spoken word? Interesting ... very interesting. Better yet the bartender understand her."[/i][/color] he mussed watching the taller woman actions quite interested still pondering why she simply didn't say what she wanted. When the drink was offered him to him Theo took it. Giving a bow to the head in thanks. Looking at what the woman had ordered for him, he heard the bartender call it a Blue Fairy. Something Theo hadn't even heard of ... still chances where he'd drink it. It be rude not to and Theo wasn't really in the market to upset a woman that looked like she could crush him. Theo although finding taller woman pretty, she had an almost intimidating undertone to her presence. It enough make Theo to watch his actions a little, although so far she seemed friendly. It was then a drunk approached asking the red head to dance, Theo watching as she tried to say no. About to step in as he doubted the drunkard would take no for an answer, however the taller woman beat him to the punch. Theo shrugging, merely watching unwilling to make any effort given the state of the guy. Still if needed he'd would intervene, however doubted he'd be need to deal with one drunken man. Theo watching the drunk insulted then tried to pick a fight with the tall woman. The white haired man snickering has the drunk punch was caught carried outside. [color=OrangeRed][i]"How embarrassing, but what idiot picks a fight with someone over a foot bigger then you? It's like trying to play chicken with a train. You don't do it unless your stupid.[/i][/color] he thought looking at the red head who seemed to be worried about her friend. Watching the taller woman come back, Theo found it cute and amusing as the red head asked if her protector was hurt and offered the taller woman band aids. Worried about her protector, which was a nice touch although it seemed unneeded. The 7 foot woman looked like she could handle herself. It was then someone backed into the taller woman leaning slightly to see it was some around his age maybe a little younger. Noticing that he was being surrounded by a group of three guys. [color=OrangeRed]"Oh boy ... this can't be good."[/color] he muttered, recognizing one of the guys regular, someone he had a drink with once or twice when at the bar. Watching the group close in on the guy, he saw some white haired guy step in and save the younger guy ... well sort of. It was more lets not fight in the bar and piss the owner of. A fair enough point given the owner was quick to state he didn't want fights in his bar and ban anyone that played a apart in them. Seeing the group head outside, Theo frowned it didn't seem all that fair to have two versus three fist fight. That he'd not be able to enjoy his own drink with a fist fight going just beyond the front door. However Theo didn't to get involved in a bar fight that wasn't his problem. It was conflict that lasted half a second. Theo feeling it would be best help the younger guy and his protector out. However he didn't want get into a fight. So thought a little back up would be useful. [color=OrangeRed]"Hey sunflower, think you can give me hand in breaking what going to happen up? I know it not nice to ask a lady, but your the way you handled the other drunk. Your help in breaking this up before it degrades into something stupid would be much appreciated."[/color] Theo stated as set his drink down on the bar, he really didn't want to get involved fight but even he couldn't just sit around knowing some poor guy was most likely about to the shit beaten out of him even with his would be protector. With his drink now on the bar, Theo headed towards the door Theo readied himself for the worst. Hopefully the taller woman would come out and help defuse the situation, positive she'd get every ones attention or at least make then reluctant to start fighting. Stepping outside he could see the group of three just starting rush the younger guys white haired protector. [color=OrangeRed][i]"Well so much for breaking this up before it started. Better make sure it's at least fair fight since I'm out here.[/i][/color] he though picking a out one guy out of three. Sighing he picked one guy out the group off three Theo rushed him. Hopefully this would be over quick and he could get back to that drink, the red head and the tall mute woman.