[center][b]Part 2 of collab between [@lovely complex] and [@Mateotis][/b] [h3]"[color=limegreen]This is awkward...[/color] [color=tomato]but I like it![/color]"[/h3][/center] [b]Club Lush, Around Midnight. (00:00)[/b] Not fond of running, Nina turned her head to see if the guy was stalking her. In this moment, she knew that the club scene was not for her. People were too touchy and aggressive. There was lust in many people’s eyes and she was absolutely revolted of the wildness of everything. Not paying attention to where she was going, the teacher turned her head only to find her body slam right into this poor guy. Their foreheads meeting (and almost their lips) [b]*clunk*[/b]. This caused her to jolt back, but she wasn’t able to get too far for some odd reason. “[color=tomato]Owie…[/color]” she muttered. Her face squinted in pain as she stared at the green haired man that stood before her. He was surprisingly shorter than her by two inches. Their eyes locked with one another, her glacier blue with his amber. The only thing she could really make out in the flashing and dark club was his glasses, his tiny physique, and his casual attire. Trying to pull away, she realized she was tugging him with her. Glancing down, she noticed something dreadful and red leaked into her cheeks. Nervously, she bit her lip. [color=tomato][i]Oh no...this is bad.[/i][/color] Her belt… or was it her skirt? She couldn’t tell which one it was but they were latched to his pants. Hearing the voice of the stranger from earlier come from the crowd behind her, she froze up and leaned in closer to the man she just crashed into. “You should have just said you had a boyfriend.” He rolled his eyes in annoyance from across the room. Nina’s body was shaking anxiously. This was all too much for her. Turning her attention back toward the other man, the scared woman, looking like a wounded animal, slurringly apologized, “[color=tomato]I’m… I’m so-so sorry, Sir.[/color]” After the drink and his supposed near-death experience, Jake carried himself in a much different way. No longer scurrying forward quickly with a set destination as he usually did, his steps were now slow and considered as he tried to take in things properly as a true scientist would. The club was overwhelming to his every sense: the bass was intense, the lights only seemed to get faster and more varied with every cycle and the stench was more and more unpleasant the deeper he got into the crowd. He was not actually sure when or where he was going to stop. The drink seemed to raise his tolerance level indefinitely while also lower his self-awareness level by about the same amount—he felt he was kind of just…[i]in there.[/i] Part of the mass, though he did not add much actual weight. Considering how his main trouble many times—ironically—was standing out, this should not have bothered him. And it did not, just perhaps— He never liked that train of thought anyways. The hammer struck again, for the third time during his short but already adventurous stay at the club. This time, it took the form of a...pretty lady? To be frank, no one could blame the scientist for not being able to tell much at first glance—for this first glance was actually a face close-up, the kind only lovers did, or so he thought. He saw the pair of blue eyes and contrasting reddening cheeks for certain, and that was enough for him to formulate an initial opinion. He shook his head, staggering...forward? He knew alcohol could do a myriad of things with people, but he was still quite sure he wanted to move [i]away[/i] from the lady. And again! “[color=limegreen]Away, dammit![/color]” His thoughts leaked once again as he faintly cried out in desperation seeing how his body did not want to obey his commands. The lady stopped. So did Jake. He looked at her, then followed her gaze downwards. “[color=limegreen]Ah,[/color]” he blurted out in a mix of realisation and relief. He was neither not that drunk, nor there was an invisible godlike force pulling him towards her. They simply got...joined together. Somehow. After considering the likeness of the situation, the invisible force theory suddenly did not sound that implausible anymore either. “[color=limegreen]Looks like fate wanted this to happen...[/color]” he lamented irritatedly on how it must have been an upper doing for him to have all these accidents...only realising right after that it sounded like the cheesiest, most opportune pickup line ever. “[color=limegreen]I mean... No problem, no problem at all. Things...can happen.[/color]” A couple seconds passed in awkward, tied-together silence with the two just standing and staring at one another—which Jake absolutely attributed to the inebriation, not his ineptitude—before he finally reached for his jeans to pull out what looked like the end of the woman's long skirt. “[color=limegreen]I...hope I didn't mess up your...pretty dress.[/color]” “[color=tomato]Mm, it’s no biggie. I’m a bargain shopper, anyways.[/color]” Nina stuck out her tongue in embarrassment. They were awfully close and it didn’t help that they were literally surrounded, with little to no space (and it wasn’t like she could turn her body). The biggest problem right now was the fact that they were stuck together. Glancing around them, she tried to find a path to escape. Unfortunately, there were none, so they would have to push their way through. Well, this couldn’t get anymore awkward, right? Bringing her attention back to the green-haired stranger, she leaned in and introduced herself, “[color=tomato]I’m Nina, by the way. Nina Valentine. As much as I adore being up close and personal with you, we should probably...you know.[/color]” She gestured down at their dilemma. “[color=tomato]Don’t mind me just gonna...direct us. If...if we pull, I can feel my skirt...[/color]” After bringing her left hand to his waist, gently pulling him closer to her, she nervously started moving through the crowd. Her goal was ideally, the bathroom. She didn’t need to show the world her peach colored dress slip. Jake swiftly noticed how the woman did not ease up even after the two were untied. Maybe she felt just as uncomfortable in such sudden situations as he did, which would not have been all that bad for him. Maybe they could have reached a mutual understanding, a quick soulmate-like bond between two strangers that could have been the basis for something more later. Jake would have definitely liked that. His hopes only rose higher as the lady introduced herself. “[color=limegreen]Ah, yes. My name's Jaco-Jak-Jake...Jacob Sharner.[/color]” For once, his mouth was faster than his mind as he could not decide in time how exactly he wanted to requite the gesture. “[color=limegreen]N-nice to meet you, Nina. Even if it was...sudden. But I...I understand if you want to go your way. Maybe some other time then![/color]” He did not quite understand what she said right after, her words were drowned out by the flurry of sounds. He only wanted to wait for her to go her way before he did the same as to not look too awkward. He stared out towards the crowd, waiting. But this Nina did not move an inch. Jake looked up at her once again, only to be met with a gaze so cold and penetrating he swore it almost killed him on the spot. It was also then that he noticed that she was trying discreetly to pull him with her through her skirt. “[color=limegreen]Wait, didn't I—[/color]” the scientist spoke out in surprise before the realisation hit in. He was not in the slightest successful before and Nina's skirt was still very much connected to him. It appeared that fate or whatever cruel entity did this to him was not letting him go easily. “[color=limegreen]Oh. Let's go then. I'll stay...right ahead of you.[/color]” The elegant teacher seemed composed for how drunk she actually was (Adios Mother Fucker!). Was she just good at hiding her buzz or-- her legs suddenly gave out as she fell into him, finally comprehending the spinning world around her, “[color=tomato]My head...Klcuky mhade me drunk.[/color]” With that sudden movement, her skirt ripped a little more, but she was too focused on using Jake as support. Trying her best to not slur her words, she asked, “[color=tomato]Can...you...lead...the...way?[/color]” Her right hand trailed to grab his left hand, holding it in her soft grasp. Lifting it up, Nina pointed in the direction she wanted to go, “[color=tomato]That way is bthe bkathroom I think.[/color]” And so the painfully slow and extremely awkward journey began towards...actually Jake had no idea where as he did not catch any of Nina's recent words. Not like he had much of a choice; if he made any sudden movements, the lady's long skirt would have effectively snapped—surely to draw the attention of even the most enraptured club-goers. “[color=limegreen]It's all right... Slow and steady...just like...at the lab...[/color]” he murmured to himself, battling with the thick crowd as much as the alcohol in his own system. They were making visible progress though, which gave him a glimmer of hope... Hope which came crashing down on him in the form of a full-weighted Nina Valentine. She somehow lost her balance—Jake could not even turn around to check—and fell right into his green hair. He felt her clutching onto his shoulder like a rock climber on a steep cliff with one hand, and reaching for his own hand with her other. The lady who carried an air of grace with her even when drunk was now a little more than a large sack of flour...and Jake was the hapless farmer. “[color=limegreen]Clucky made you drunk? I...I guess I imagined a couple things too, don't worry...[/color]” He did not even know what he was saying anymore. He just wanted to die—and his expression reflected that thought very well. “[color=limegreen]Sure, the bathroom...[/color]” At least they still had a goal in sight. A goal oh so distant. Brushing her face on his green hair, as they slowly, very slowly, made their way through the crowd of horny dancers, Nina cooed, “[color=tomato]Your vhair is jso soft, Jaeky.[/color]” When was the last time she was this close to a man, besides Lucky? Her roommate didn’t count since there was no romantic feelings between the two of them. This stranger was so nice for helping her. Granted, he didn’t have much of a choice because they were stuck together. Maybe she was being selfish for wanting him to bring her to the bathroom? What was she worried about again? Oh… oh yeah. Her skirt. As they trudged through the sea of people, Nina contemplated her options. She weighed around 114 pounds and the bathroom was an adventure away. How long would he be able to last? Should she just let him go? It’s not like she would be completely naked if her skirt ripped off but walking was [i]really[/i] hard right now. With quick impulse, Nina pulled away from him only to tumble a little backwards before gaining her balance once more. Pulling her own skirt off, the teacher was too drunk to really understand her actions. Hearing the sound of a silvery woman’s voice, the brunette turned her body swiftly, hitting a drink out of some female’s hand (with her elbow), causing it to get all over her chest, “[color=tomato]W-where is...Tsubasa?[/color]” she asked the sultry, taller woman, who simply pushed Nina back with the force of a mega bitch. As if this was becoming a common theme of the night, she fell into Jake’s arms. He knew it. Through the simple law of probabilities, the scientist has long deduced that their lengthy path would not go smooth and uneventful. Too much has happened tonight already for the madness to end in silence and too much time still needed to pass. The burdened man tried to prepare for any possibility... It soon turned out however that his scope of consideration was too narrow, as he only considered sane actions. What Nina did however, was certainly beyond that. Ripping off her precious skirt with a backwards motion, she let Jake go and almost fell on the club floor. She thrashed and stumbled until she knocked over a couple people and got the only remaining clean piece of her clothing, her shirt soaked in some kind of drink. “[color=limegreen]What...are you...even…[/color]” Jake's reaction was over at these couple words. He was sincerely too dumbfounded to do anything but watch the spectacular chain of events like others would have watched a mass NASCAR crash: eyes open wide in shock. It felt very different, and admittedly somewhat better, seeing someone else get in so much trouble. But he digressed. He did not take any guilty pleasure in watching the drunk damsel in distress stagger around and was absolutely ready—all right, perhaps that was an overstatement—when she came flying into his arms. The redhaired woman with a short, very short, black dress on, growled, “Listen, slut!” but the rest of her words faded out. Nina tilted her head in confusion, the redhead didn’t remember she had a drink in her hand. The glass went rolling on the floor. “[color=tomato]Thatc’s nut nice.[/color]” Before she knew it, her hand was grabbed and she was running, yes running, sloppily with her new found friend. A woman in a man's arms was usually a blissful experience for both parties—but here, it instead served as a slap in the face for Jake who realised he had to do something about the incredibly wasted, incredibly dangerous Nina. She showed some willingness to go, so he took her hand and off they went, speeding towards the bathroom as fast as they could. He broke in the first bathroom door he came upon like a cannonball, throwing in the woman after him who almost hit the wall with the momentum. Right after, he slammed the door shut and reclined on it, stretching out his hands and serving as a guard and human lock. He was taking quick breaths, sweating from the mix of alcohol, heavy loads and sudden running. Finally a moment of calm. Wait...what was she doing?! Somehow, the glorious gods shined on the unlucky couple of the night. Nina found herself on a comfy sofa in a… was this a unisex bathroom? Or? Well, she was in a bathroom (regardless of the gender)! Her body swayed while she dazedly stared at the cute man, “[color=tomato]Dank youn so much![/color]” She beamed an innocent yet loving smile at him. Her next action came without warning. Her fingers trailed down her body to find the end of her wet shirt before pulling it off her and revealing her silk dress slip. Shrugging to herself, she tossed her skirt and shirt to the trash missing her target terribly. With confidence that only alcohol would give a woman like Ms. Valentine, she showcased her form to her new friend, “[color=tomato]How.. do look?[/color]” She was undressing. Oh god she was undressing. Jake, this time on door guard duty, was once again powerless to stop her from getting even deeper into the hole she has been digging for herself for a while now. Thankfully—[i]really thankfully?[/i], Jake asked himself the hard questions—, she only took of her wet and dirty shirt and now stood before the scientist in the barest form that was still possible with a full set of regular clothes on. Not like she did not look absolutely gorgeous at that. “[color=limegreen]You look uh...great! Really.[/color]” Jake haphazardly voiced his above opinion. “[color=limegreen]Buut you can't stay like this...not here.[/color]” After a moment of hesitation, he dashed from the door to quickly grab the woman's thrown-away clothes and then back to the door right away before anyone came in or the caged tigress made an escape. “[color=limegreen]Nina, we...we're going home, okay? I'll lead you out of here. Just don't make it any harder, all right? Everything will be fine![/color]” He spoke so fast he was almost sure the brunette did not catch half of it. But it did not matter. They had no time to waste. They needed to get out of here!