[h2][color=magenta]Ashton Griffone || The Cornerstone[/color][/h2] [@Evil Snowman][@dabombjk][@Lunaeria][@LovelyAnastasia][@IrishAngelQueen] Ashton glanced back, mentally face-palming as the cute red head, the beautiful woman that was speaking to the scarred stranger whom she has seen a few times, including a little fire accident, and the laptop guy pretty much ignored her instruction to stay and just followed out. And another stranger curiously coming into the scene. The beautiful woman getting involved and ended up punched, making the tall blonde flinch, and she was about to completely charge at them. It seems though, the woman can be quite scary. Managed to chase the rest off before further action was required. In which the tall blonde was thankful over, for a moment, she thought she might have to resort to a little bit more... force. Though she was quite bummed out that the white haired pale boy and the beautiful girl, Addison, Ashton believed was the name got hurt. She didn't do good enough it seems. It was her life long duty to protect people. Seems she still had a long way to go to being a good firefighter. Walking to Addison, Ashton looked apologetically to the much more beautiful woman. Gemstone eyes slightly shimmering, as if teary eyed, before bowing in order to apologize for her getting hurt. Hearing a crash, the blonde quickly turned to see the black haired boy fall, a cat landing on top of him and the white haired pale skinned boy take interest in it and the owner. Striding quickly over, she bent down and wrapped her strong arms gingerly around the fallen boy's rips and picked him back up. Helping him to his feet and lightly swiped her hands over him to brush any dirt before gingerly patting and petting the top of his head, stroking the black hair. It was a habit of Ashton that Marine often said not to do to strangers but she couldn't help it. She liked getting pat on the head by Claire before she out grew it, it was a nice warm feeling. It was just her way to give the same feeling of comfort. Turning her gaze to the cat, Ashton gave a smile and gently stroked the top of the head with the tip of her index finger, then scratching under the chin. Her eyes were still threatening to break, but she looked a bit happier as she gaga'd over the feline.