[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Tcs5CGf.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjllNjZjMi5VR0YwYVdWdVkyVWdUVzl5WjJGdS4w/cryptik.cryptik.png[/img][/center] [hr] 12:03am The illustriously dressed Patience was meandering the pathways of Shine City’s park, more intoxicated than she was on most occasions. Her eyes were red and puffy from an extensive session of bawling all by herself at the playground. Today had been extensively taxing: there was a wedding in the morning she had to officiate, a body to lay to rest, and a family that came in wanting to prepare a funeral in advance for their dying daughter. Well, not only the family but also Professor Shou Matsuoka [sub][@MyCatGinger][/sub]. The poor guy! His wife died horrifically in a murder not terribly long ago. Patience visibly shuddered at the thought. She had been in charge of moving the… chunks… of the unfortunate Alessandra and laying the remains to rest. Tragedy seemed to follow Shou, for now one of his childhood friends was going to die as well. The girl was a year younger than her too! Tears began to fall down her cheeks once more, and her hand moved into her pocket to redial Shou’s number. Like the rest of her calls, it went straight to voicemail. [color=#9a85c6]“I’m shorry about dat lasht message, please ignore id, Shosho. I just shtill shad from dat girl’s funeral ding… And lonely...”[/color] The woman’s voice was slurred and incoherent as she finished the last of her stream of voicemails. The whole scenario had shaken Patience pretty badly although this was hardly an uncommon circumstance. She was an incredibly sensitive woman who was moved to tears at the drop of a dime. In her line of work, it was a rare day that she didn’t go a day without crying. Sighing, she slipped her bulky smart phone back into her dress pant’s pocket, hoping he wouldn’t be mad at her tomorrow for overloading his phone. [quote] 9:58pm [color=#9a85c6]“Hey, Professor! Um… I was wondering if you wanted to have a drink with me? I know it’s late, and you’re probably asleep, but… I’m not really in a happy place right now. Call me when you get this please.”[/color] 10:54pm [color=#9a85c6]“Shou! I called you an hour ago and you no call me back. Pleash call me! I’d love to see you.”[/color] 11:13pm [color=#9a85c6]“Shoshoooo~ You ignore meee. I in the park righ now, so you better come shoon! Or there gonna be no drinkey drinkey for youuuu! I already drank half a bottle of vodka! One more to go! Mkay, I talk to you in a few.”[/color] 11:34pm [color=#9a85c6]“I never ever gonna get a boyfriend or a husband or anything! I am the loneliest girl ever. I just gonna… die alone. ‘Here liesh the ugliest woman. Do not dig up.’ That’sh whatsh gonna be on my grave… I bet you think I’m grossh, don’t you, Shosho?”[/color] 11:46pm [color=#9a85c6]“Shpiraling forever. I just lay here and shpiral and shpiral. I try and dink about the happy dings, but it no work. Nope, nope. Just shad Pati in the park. There is nothing but doom and gloom. Doom, doom, doom.”[/color] 12:01am [color=#9a85c6]“I can’d believe you made me waid in the park all by myshelf. You’re an assholeeee! The worsht asshole! Forever! No wonda you haven’d been able to get any date! I’m gonna go home and watch Family Man all by my loneshome and cry myshelf to shleep. You’re mean, and I hope you ‘member dat.”[/color] [/quote] Hm… Even in her inebriated state, she had to admit, maybe she had gone a little overboard. Her thought process had been to invite Shou out on the town so that they could not be sad together! They both had grief they could bond over, after all. Well, and he was one of the few people she knew personally. Being as busy as she was, it left her very little time to actually get to know people. Sure, her phone was packed to the brim with phone numbers, but most of those were clients or her employees. Shifting her left arm, she grabbed onto her right elbow and gulped, trying not to let crippling loneliness get the best of her. Her dad had been her one and only best friend, but he passed away only a month and a half ago. So what was she to do? Slowly, her emerald orbs drifted upwards to the night sky, taking in the swimming sight of the flickering stars above. Even against the bright lights of the city, those astral anomalies were a wonder to behold. Patience would never be like that though. She was more like the night sky: overshadowed by the illumination. Yes, she was there and people noticed her, but they only cared about how good of a job she did of reflecting their own personal matters. Such was the life of a civil servant. The woman soon found that she had walked in a giant circle around the park in her attempt to escape. She wanted to go home, but she was so out of her mind that wasn’t exactly sure if she’d make it back before her legs collapsed on her. Spying a cute, bespeckled man with a pretty blonde nearby [sub][@BeastofDestiny][@Knight of Doom][/sub], she drunkenly presumed they would know the way out of this treacherous quagmire, but she was way too stubborn to actually approach them for help. Staring at them for a moment, Patience noticed their adorable aesthetic compatibility and even flashed them a twisted smile before prancing off again. Unfortunately, the funeral director happened to make the [i]same[/i] circle and wound up right where she had been once again. She was way too drunk for this! Pouting, Patience slapped herself in the face. This was bad! [color=#9a85c6]”I am trapped and lonely and everyding is awful… Why can I nod leave dish placeeeeeee?! It confushing...”[/color] the redhead murmured to herself. Wait! She had options! She could use the Süper app [sub][@Stern Algorithm][/sub]! That would get her home! Why she hadn't thought of that in the first place was beyond her. Drawing out her phone, she excitedly input the saved address to her home while the GPS did the rest! Soon she would be homeward bound, and there would be marathons of every movie in existence. Well, there was still one predicament: She wasn’t sure she could make it to the main road. It just seemed so far away! [color=#9a85c6]”Oh mannnn. I gonna die oud here…”[/color] she helplessly uttered. So close, yet so far.