[color=2e3192][center][h1] Kieran Hishamie [/h1][/center][/color] [hider=My Hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/04/b4/3b/04b43be3c8bd2df1409699904cd017ad.jpg[/img] [/hider] Kieran took back his laptop and put it back into his laptop bag. Kieran looked at the strange French man while doing so. It was quite clear by his body movements he meant no ill will, possibly even some kind of desire in his eyes. Kieran stood up slowly, brushing off his pants and jacket. Kieran looked back at the fight and realized that he was told to stay back there. He might have just ruined any kind of chance he had of any nice introductions with those involved, but Kieran sighed. Kieran looked back at the French man and smiled, his light brown eyes shining in the pale moon light. [color=2e3192]"Mon nom est Kyle mon brave homme. Je vous remercie pour récupérer mon ordinateur portable."[/color] Kieran chuckled slightly. [color=2e3192]"And that's all she wrote. That is about the most French that I can recall at the moment. Believe it or not that is not the first time a French man has given me a laptop I dropped."[/color] Kyle looked at the other man, the one fascinated with the cat. Then he was reminded of the cat and stared at it. Kieran had always been a dog person an did not like cats very much. He felt like they were kind of dickish. [@irishangelqueen][@silverfox][@shin][@lovelyanastasia]