[@Viciousmarrow] [@MyCatGinger] It was an unusual night. For one, Shizuka was still awake, ready for bed, but sitting in the living room of her dorm, finishing the latest book from the popular 'A Song of Cold and Hot' series. For two, Shizuka's roommate Shakti wasn't out with friends, and was instead just watching TV. Because of their drastically different schedules and lifestyles, they hardly ever interacted or got to spend time together, though when they did, it wasn't that awkward. For the most part they just silently enjoyed each other's company. Then Shakti's phone buzzed. Checking what it was, Shakti shot up off the couch. [color=82ca9d]"The citizen's of Shine City need me!"[/color] She called out. Shizuka nodded gently, used to her roommate's shenanigans. Shakti ran towards the kitchen and cracked open the window. "Shak-" Shizuka began to protest this newest habit Shakti had developed. [color=82ca9d]"No time!"[/color] Shakti said as she awkwardly scrambled over the kitchen sink and clambered her way through the window. Once outside, Shakti bolted towards where her car was parked. Even though she was allowed to stay in graduate housing due to a technicality, she was not authorized to park on campus, so her vehicle was a ways away. Shizuka shook her head in patient exasperation and closed the window. [hr] Shakti reached her car, which was parked in a questionably legal spot, but fortunately it was out of sight. Her car used to belong to the orphanage, but with a recent wave of new funding, the orphanage had upgraded most of their equipment and technology, retiring this old, beat-up white van, which Shakti 'inherited'. Looking at the black-tinted windows, she noticed the letters she had put up earlier were fading, so she pulled open the side door and grabbed the bar of soap she always kept there. Sliding the door shut, she used the soap and rewrote '[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBS0AGgGTnQ]SÜPER DRIVER[/url]' on the window. Pleased with her handiwork, she got in and took off towards the park. [hr] Around the outskirts of Shine Park, a shady-looking white van circled around and around in a predatory manner. Shakti stopped in a place that she probably shouldn't stop in and pulled out her phone, using the Süper app to message her potential client. [color=82ca9d]"Hey! I'm here. Where you at?"[/color]