[h2][color=magenta]Ashton Griffone || A School... maybe... Honestly she has no Clue[/color][/h2] [color=6ecff6][i]I think of how it all was made Each detail of this world portrayed In bursts of color, every sight and sound~ The wide blue sky and the immobile ground~ It's all too great to understand The moon, with one stroke of his hand, Started to glow and all the stars appeared How did it all end up here?[/i][/color] A soft mumble came from the tall blonde, shifting at the distant voice within her mind. Soothing her at the same time as waking her up. Amethyst eyes gingerly fluttering open, she unconsciously thought that she was cuddled up against someone like a clingy child. Much to her disappointment, she was still completely alone. Well, in a sense, considering there were several people mulling about. What time was it? Sometime during the day..... Where was she and why was she sore? Shifting in her awkward position as she found herself resting on her belly, left arm hanging over the edge of her resting place. She felt smooth wood, and as she unwound herself from a curled position of a cat, her legs soon joined the arm in hanging over the edge. Raising her face groggily upward from its resting pillow that was her right arm, she slowly glanced around. She was out in the open, somewhere, with quite a bit of traffic of people. Covered head to toe in soot and ash in her regular uniform. What happened? Oh right. [hider=~A couple hours Earlier~] [color=lightseagreen]"Ash what the fuck are you doing?!"[/color] Marine's voice shouted as she stormed out of the bar, glaring at the tall blonde who was happily petting a cat. [color=lightseagreen]"Apartment Fire! No time to pet cats its time to GO GO GO GO!!"[/color] she shouted urgently, bolting over, grabbed the bigger woman by the ear then dragged her to the Fire Truck. Lights soon blazing before taking off to their next job. Indeed. They couldn't catch much of a break lately.[/hider] That's right, Ashton had to go and put out another fire. It wasn't so bad, but it did take up most of the night. Then Ashton went to walk back home and got lost like usual. She was so tired though and just needed a little rest. Just a few quick winks and it's fine. She couldn't get any bearings with how tired she was anyway. So she must have plopped on this bench and made it her bed for the last few hours. The blonde was still tired.... so maybe... just a few more winks of sleep before another call came in. With a yawn, the firefighter's head face planted back into her arm like a rock. She hoped Amaya was alright. She didn't want the sweet girl to worry or anything. Ashton should definitely make it up by getting some groceries for her. Just to keep the house nice and stocked. Maybe some flowers and chocolates. She also hoped the owners of wherever she was didn't mind. Ashton was fairly sure she was at some kind of school, but she didn't particularly know which one. Could be the Academy or the Primary school for all she knew. Hope the teachers don't mind. Just a couple more hours.. then she'll continue her search for home.