[color=004b80][center][h1] Kieran Hishamie [/h1][/center][/color] [hider=My Hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/04/b4/3b/04b43be3c8bd2df1409699904cd017ad.jpg[/img] [/hider] Kieran sighed when he realized what this man intended. Kieran used to be a slightly different man, more outgoing and more flirty, and Kieran could clearly see the end game for this man. [color=004b80]"Thank you for the offer but it is late, and I should probably be getting home. You seem interesting enough so here,"[/color]Kyle said handing him a scrap of paper he had his number on[color=004b80]"This isn't me flirting or anything, but I need more matierals for my book and it seems staying indoors friendless is not the way to go. So shoot me a text if to hang out later.......like just in a friendly way though."[/color] Kieran patted the man with the cat on my back. [color=004b80]"By the way my name is Kieran nice to meet you."[/color] Kieran walked off on that note. The next day came over him like a hurricane. He was a mess when he woke up, and he sludged his way though everything. He just couldn't seem to stay motivated or stay focused. Kieran tried to make something to eat but realized he had no food. Kieran dreaded going to the store, having to talk to people, but he did not want to spend more money at the moment than he had too. Kieran got dressed into a white v neck, black jeans, and red jacket, and walked out. Kieran walked to the nearest grocery and went through a mental list of what to get. Chicken was a must have that was for sure. Maybe he could get some salami as well. [@silver fox][@irishangelqueen]