[center][img]https://s14.postimg.org/4wksi17lt/tumblr_mxms3w_Tq_YA1sgxh69o1_500_2.png[/img][/center] [color=OrangeRed] [center] [h1] Theodore Maxwell[/h1] [/center] [/color] [hr] [b][u]Theo's Apartment: 7:04 am[/u][/b] The sound of a man snoring loudly the only sound that could be heard in the dark apartment. The source of this sound sleeping in a frazzled heap on his couch. The source of the snoring not even able to make it to his bed. Sitting down to take his shoes off when he eventually got home. However never got them off, falling asleep mere seconds after he sat down. Still dressed in yesterday clothes a pair of cats curled up by his feet. Having already tried to wake their servant up to fed them. However no matter what his cats did Theo was out like a light. Much to the annoyance of his furry overlords, as much they hated it they'd have to wait for the breakfast. Luckily for them Theo alarm began to blare it accused noise quickly filling the apartment with a loud horrid noise. That could wake the dead form there slumber. With a groan and several muttered curse words. Theo sitting up rubbing his eyes glaring at the offending device on his bedside table. [color=OrangeRed]"Stupid clock your nearly as bad as the cats. Why does thou torture me so?"[/color] he spoke still sounding like he was half asleep ... which wasn't far from the case. If it hadn't been for that overly loud alarm he'd of simply laid back down and slept till the afternoon. Not something he really could afford to do on a weekday. Given he had to get up for work or on Wednesdays school. His boss not afraid to chew him out over being late. Especially since it was Theo's duty to open the shop, so if he was late the Enchanted Florist wasn't going to open on time. Then he'd be in real trouble. Still it didn't mean breaking the sweet embrace of sleep was an easy task. Even with the horrid buzzing of an over zealots alarm clock, that was determined to keep the young man awake. Groaning again, Theo sat up in a half sleep state. Looking like he needed at least several hours more of sleep. However it was sleep he wasn't going to be getting, much to Theo's annoyance. Getting to his feet. Theo walked over to his bedside table, nearly triping over a pair of cats in the process and turned off the alarm. With a exasperated sigh, he began to get ready for work. Starting with making himself a cup of coffee ... only to find he had run out of coffee and hadn't gotten around to buying more. [color=OrangeRed][i]"Mondays ..."[/i][/color] he thought as he set the empty coffee tin back into the cupboard. Although he knew it was unhealthy Theo ended up downing an energy drink he had stashed in his fridge. Get washed, dressed, fed and feeding his overlords. Theo left him apartment at 7:30 on the dot. The drive to work was what Theo would call normal. Being early there where few people on the road. Letting his mind partly wonder to what happened last night. Theo frowning as all he did was fawn over a cat for serval minutes before realizing he head home After the tall blonde was dragged away. Collecting his belongings form inside the Cornerstone. He, he said bye to the red head then left. Getting home without any issue. The only reminded her had from the night was bruise on right side of his face along his jaw line where been punched and his jaw hurt a little. The only thing Theo wished he had done last night was thank the large blonde for the drink and help in the fight. [b][u]The Enchanted Florist: Present time [/u][/b] Once Theo had gotten to work he had gone about his normal routine to get the shop ready. Which mostly was sweeping the floors and getting various flowers ready for sale. Opening the store a few minutes after 9 am when an impatient customer banged on the door demanding to let in. The only thought in Theo's head it was going to be one of those days. Letting the customer in he attended to their needs his work persona kicking in, once they where gone. He began setting up the display out the front shop. His least favorite job in the morning as he had to do it while dealing with customers luckily the mornings where pretty quite most days. Theo hoping that today would be an easy one for him. he had feeling it wouldn't be though. As it never was when he felt like crap, but who knew? Maybe the universe would toss him a bone.