[h2][color=magenta]Ashton Griffone || The Academy[/color][/h2] [@BeastofDestiny] [i]Ashton could feel herself in a light sleep, having a soft mild dream to compensate with the noise around. It was just one of those states people had some difficulty realizing if it was reality or not when they woke up from it. Still, it was a peaceful dream, and she couldn't help but smile. A child once more, still large for her age but small for a adult, playing in a park. Listening to the footsteps of people as she played in a tree, climbing and feeling the rough bark against her skin. A soft voice echoing, calling out to her, forcing her to glance down in the direction to see a foggy image of a woman. With a chipper smile, the dream Ashton climbed down and bounded over to the woman. Smiling brighter then a chipmunk with a mouth full of nuts. Ashton couldn't quite make out the woman's image, but she felt the soft hand against her ruffled blonde hair, roughling it up like petting a dog. With a little squeal of happiness, the child tackled the woman in a hug, craving for the warmth and affection.[/i] Course, in reality, she was still on that bench and half listening to the sounds around her. As someone tapped her, she groggily shifted, slowly raising her head in response. Amethyst eyes glazed over with sleep and squinting thanks to the sandman. Reactively, the touch made her lean toward whoever the owner was, thinking it was that woman again for just a moment. Sleepily reaching her lengthy left arm to wrap around her poor victim and pull them into a embrace. Soon wrapping the other once closer to make a firm and cuddly hug. Rolling so she lied on her back so she can just cuddle the object on top of her. This bed for some reason didn't have any room. This was much warmer......... so maybe just a couple more winks of sleep. So she closed her eyes again and drifted back in the realm of sleep. If this was a anime, surely there would be 'Zzzzzz' flying out of her comically.