[center][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/ePTSoXb.png[/img][hr][hr] [h3][color=crimson]Elijah[/color] & [color=a187be]Cara[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/w8VMjhS.gif?1[/img][img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/9a6baa55c7302deb1d5087cb397beb03/tumblr_mt8t3ty7vm1sfuatho1_500.gif[/img] Location: Outside the Wardens office → Outside the Control Room → Outside of Old East → Atop a Campus Tower Interacting With: Each other [sub][@BeastofDestiny][@Wintergrey][/sub] [color=6ecff6]Sneaky → Angry → Villainous → Hopeful → Ticked Off → Happy → Careful → On Edge → Giggly → Curious → Bored → Annoyed → Bubbly → Teasing → Furious → Confused → Furious → Murderous → Surprised → Venomous → Lonely[/color] [color=crimson]Complacent → Annoyed → Threatening → Intrigued → Interrogative → Sarcastic → Informative → Explanatory → Interrogative → Unhelpful → Empathetic → Revealed → Defensive → Supportive → Contemplative[/color] [hr][hr][/center] Cara was wandering through the halls of the campus, just for the sake of exploring. It was a habit of hers to find every nook and cranny when she came somewhere new. Eli has engraved that into her. He figured if she knew her surroundings it would give her the advantage she needed over metahumans. As much as she hated him, he wasn’t wrong. And in a place like Mayweather, she needed every advantage she could get over the other metas. After making a quick pit stop at her room to throw her bags, Cara began to walk down the corridor of rooms. Cara froze in place the second she heard voices coming from inside one of the rooms. Pressing herself against the wall, she looked to her left and saw an open door, with two girls sitting inside. At least one was a girl, besides a crooked nose she seemed normal enough. For the other it was a little harder to tell. She was completely bald with glowing fissures streaking through her skull. Fucking gross. Still Cara didn’t make a sound, this was the perfect opportunity to get info. [color=ec008c]“-hear about Lucas and Eliana?”[/color] Crooked nose. Fissure face laughed, [color=a187be]“I can’t even tell with those two. They totally are in love with each other, but they show it soooo weird.”[/color] [color=ec008c]“In love? No-”[/color] Waving the nose job needy girl off, fissure face interrupted. [color=a187be]“Oh come on, haven’t you seen the Delphina Times?”[/color] So they were Delphina villains, huh. [color=a187be]“It’s all there. Lucas literally talking to like every one of Eliana’s family can’t be a coincidence. They must be one of those love-hate relationships.”[/color] Crooked rolled her eyes, [color=ec008c]“If you’d let me finish, I was about to say that Eliana is totally fucking Eli-”[/color] Cara immediately tuned out of the rest of the conversation. Everything seemed to go grey and silent around her. Eli was here… Waiting for her, teasing her. It was just like the bastard. Clenching her fist, Cara teleported into the room directly in front of Crooked. The girl startled back in surprise at the sudden woman in her room. [color=6ecff6]“What the fuck did you just say? Where’s Eli?”[/color] Cara’s hand shot out to the girl’s throat. Fear evident in her eyes. The girl started babbling, [color=ec008c]“I-I don’t know. Please don’t hurt me.”[/color] Some villain. Rolling her eyes, Cara tossed her to the side and turned for fissure face, only to see her missing. In her place was a large glowing crystal. [color=6ecff6]“Fuck!”[/color] Cara started striding out of the room when she heard Crooked stutter out, [color=ec008c]“W-who are you?”[/color] Laughing, Cara teleported back in front of her, causing her to flinch in fear once again. Staring at her closely for a moment, as if studying her, Cara replied, [color=6ecff6]“I’m the bloody Reaper, and I’m here to collect my dues.”[/color] She gave the girl a smile as crooked as her nose. Leaning in real close, Cara licked the side of her cheek. Crooked stiffened, shaking at the crazy girl in her room. Cara disappeared without another word. She hadn’t seen most of the Academy, but luckily she didn’t have to search long for the person she was looking for. The pale sunglass guy that first showed her to the Mrs. Lovelace. It wasn’t a great lead, but right now he was the only one in this place she knew. Teleporting next to him she threw an arm around her shoulder. [color=6ecff6]“Listen, glasses, I need your help with something.”[/color] Elijah’s conversation with Lucas and Keats was rather short lived as he made his way out the building and Leon ushered those two into his office. He walked along the pathway, and gave ponder to the events that had just previously transpired. Gianna literally had him around a noose, she could have blown the rape whistle, or hell even told Leon of what really transpired and how she defended herself from their confrontation. Yet instead she told the man that he had confessed and professed his love to her...that was a slightly sickening thought, yet completely unlike her and yet….it was like her old self. Before his mind could wander any further a sudden weight was placed on his body, nothing too heavy, just something that literally wasn’t there before. A voice spoke to him and his head turned as he inclined on the sudden new presence. Teleporters weren’t a rare occurrence at this school, but to have one suddenly beside him, made him not so much uneasy as cautious. His head tilted and his eyebrow raised as he tried to identify the woman next to him, [color=Crimson]”Have we met before?”[/color] He browsed his memory, finally recognizing the swirling and cruel aura beside him, [color=crimson]”Ah...yes, the one I escorted to the professor’s office.”[/color] Why had she come to him? Perhaps because he was the first person she interacted with? Their interaction was brief, but he supposed it was notable, it wasn’t like everyone on campus was wearing archaic robes from another realm. [color=crimson]”To what do I owe this...chance encounter?”[/color] Cara cocked her head to the side watching him. Sticking out her bottom lip in a slight pout she asked, [color=6ecff6]“Is that any way to speak to the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen?”[/color] She had no way of knowing that the man in front of her was blind, and had no idea what she looked like. Cara’s mood changed from disappointed to cheerful and bubbly in the blink of an eye. [color=6ecff6]“Cara’s the name, Shady! Cara Reaper.”[/color] Holding her hand out to shake, Cara delightedly grinned, tongue running across her widely exposed teeth. [color=crimson]”If only I could see, then maybe I would appreciate such beauty,”[/color] what a narcissus, even if Elijah could ‘see’ he could at least tell plenty enough from the aura this woman exuded; quite distasteful. [color=crimson]”I’ll ask again Ms. Reaper, more bluntly this time, what do you want from me?”[/color] His voice was rather stern,and though he noted her hand’s extension, the gesture was not reciprocated. He was not one to be bothered with petty introductions and requests, if there was something someone wanted, they’d better spit it out, not that he’d do anything in retribution, he just hated being annoyed. Cara rolled her eyes over dramatically. She made a face, sticking out her tongue before asking rather rudely, [color=6ecff6]“Does being blind always make you this cranky?”[/color] Dropping her hand to her side Cara grew serious. [color=6ecff6]“I’m looking for a man, okay. His name’s Eli, and you’re going to tell me everything you know about him.”[/color] Cara rested a hand firmly on Shady’s shirt, ready to grab him and teleport at a moment's notice. If he needed any persuading, Cara knew a place about 20,000 feet up. Eli? Few people knew his nickname, even fewer called him by it, but when her attitude came off as threatening, Elijah countered. [color=crimson]”And if you were any the wiser then you would let go, lest you get burnt.”[/color] he grabbed the hand that touched him, a forceful grab, an intimidating and knowing kind of touch that refused to let go, just as she refused to let go of him as the temperature began to rise. Why did she want to know of him, or perhaps it was another Eli she was referring of? Regardless he was curious, [color=crimson]”Fine, I shall show you of Eli, but if you refuse to let go, you’ll certainly turn to cinder. So would you rather have information? Or a Barbeque?”[/color] the young pyromancer informed in a rather intimidating tone. Somehow he figured this wouldn’t faze her, but at the same time, he was the only one who knew of ‘Eli’, why else would she come to him? Cara stared deep into the man’s sunglasses. Seconds passed without a word, not even a movement. The air around the two of them felt tense. Slowly a the grin reappeared on Cara’s face. She started to laugh hard. Grabbing her sides, Cara slide to the ground. Wiping a tear away from her eye she said, [color=6ecff6]“ I [i]love [/i]barbeque. Rain Check though, I just ate.”[/color] Throwing out her hand to see if he would help her up she added, [color=6ecff6]“well, no time to dilly dally. Let’s go hon.”[/color] This girl was...unusual, first she makes threats, then laughs in the face of retaliation. He tried to key her aura, but it was wild and changing, though one thing stood out the most, instability. This being said, the girl wasn’t going to do anything to him, not unless she wanted answers, so he took her extended hand and lifted her up. [Color=crimson]”Fine then, what do you wish to know of Eli? Where he lives? What he does? His purpose on campus?”[/color] Whatever the reason, he had questions for her and what her interest in him was Cara graciously took the hand up and started playing with her hair. Looking very innocent as she twirled it between her fingers she gazed at him. [color=6ecff6]“What do I want..? I want to know where Eli is so I can put a bullet between- Sorry, that was rude of me.”[/color] Giggling she said, [color=6ecff6]“You know how we villians get.”[/color] Walking a few steps ahead of him, she turned and called over her shoulder. [color=6ecff6]“Come on, might as well give me a tour while we talk. Really is no need to be rude.”[/color] She wanted him dead? Again this raised the question as to whether or not she really meant him, or some other Eli. She didn’t have to say she was a villain, it was already clear as day, unpredictability, coupled with instability and perhaps a touch of insanity; she was the epitome of a dangerous villain. His brow narrowed at her request though, [color=crimson]”Really?”[/color] he asked unimpressed, [color=crimson]”You’re going to come to the one blind student on campus and ask me to show you around?”[/color] He paused for a moment, it’s not like he didn’t know his way around the school, even if he had only been here a couple of months. However, if she was expecting something quite grandiose, she’d be sorely disappointed, still he wanted some answers and he’d probe for them in conversation. [color=crimson]”Very well,”[/color] he started moving, [color=crimson]”Let us walk then, but we’ll start with the building behind me, those are The Warden offices, think of them as super powered hall monitors, they have authority and can use it, to an extent. Are they respected? That’s a whole other story, though unfortunately they have a pretty direct line to the school headmasters, and their office is jointed to the actual campus security office.”[/color] Cara clapped her hands in delight as he agreed to show her around. Waiting for him to catch up she linked arms with him and skipped along side. Cara glanced back at the first building he pointed out. Hall monitors, what a bunch of pricks. [color=6ecff6]“How [i]do[/i] you know where everything is, if you’re blind? Are you like a bat with sonar? Can I call you batman?”[/color] She grinned, looking up at him happily, joking around. They walked along the path and he didn't resist her when she linked arms with him. Upon her question though he looked towards her, [color=crimson]”It's complicated to explain, simply know that while I may not see, I 'see’ things that others do not. Call it sonar or whatever you wish, it doesn't matter.”[/color] Cara quickly grew bored when Sunglasses tried to explain, [color=6ecff6]“Yeah, yeah whatever batman. Back to Eli. You know where to find him, right? Can we just skip to that part?”[/color] Hm, straight to the point then? [color=crimson]”Perhaps, perhaps not. As a villain you should well know that knowledge is power, and one favor calls for another. I’m giving you a tour, I’m helping you find Eli, but first I want to know why? What has he done that makes you wish to kill him?”[/color] They passed by the control room and he continued speaking, [color=crimson]”That rather large building is the control room, that’s where we just were. It's essentially a proving grounds, a place to train and hone your skills as well. There are multiple rooms, all with different simulations and levels of difficulty, some of those levels can be crippling to both the body and mind. The large room we were all just in earlier is for large scale battles and where the tournament is going to be held. I assume that since you spoke with the professor you are participating? I didn’t see you when all of us were together.”[/color] Oh my god. [color=6ecff6]“You heroes are all the same!”[/color] Cara’s head rolled up to the sky, like rolling her eyes wasn’t enough anymore to convey her emotion. [color=6ecff6]“Blah blah why do you wanna kill him. Blah blah be the bigger person. You wanna talk favors fine, but I’ve been here for all of 30 minutes and you really think I’m going to give up my life story?”[/color] Cara faced away from him so he couldn’t see, or batsense, her smile drop momentarily. Turning back to him, the smile returned to its proper place she splayed her arms, showing off the dozens are scars laced across them. At the end of each wrist, much clearer scars showed themselves, evidence of cuffs. [color=6ecff6]“He did give me these though. Lots of these lovelies, all over.”[/color] Reaching up to the neck of her shirt she grabbed at the collar and pulled it down slightly, [color=6ecff6]“You wanna see the others?”[/color] [Color=crimson]”Don't delude yourself, no true hero would threaten another's life,”[/color] he briefly recalled, wishing he had made good on his promise earlier, [color=crimson]”but as I’ve said, knowledge is power, power even villains like you or I could utilize,”[/color] Elijah looked over to find the young woman’s aura suddenly...damper, before it picked right back up again. She explained her story and the scars across her body were much more prominent now, even the ones not so visible to him, [color=crimson]”So you are filled with suffering then...and you seek redemption for the crimes committed against you?”[/color] it was a tale told once before, by many others long ago, yet this sealed that she was not looking for him. [color=crimson]”I guarantee you will not find peace in Eli’s death, and suffering will only continue to follow in your wake, but do as you will for that is the villain’s creed, is it not?”[/color] Their walk took them towards the campus housing, at least building East, [color=Crimson]”Old East, one of the two campus dormitories, it's co-ed, just like its sister building on the west side, you’ll find that regardless of which building, both dormitories hold students of Delphina and Mayweather, though my room is in the west building.”[/color] Glancing in the direction of the west dormitories Cara said, [color=6ecff6]“Well well batman, already trying to woe me to your room? Well it won’t work! I am a woman of dignity.”[/color] Unable to keep up the lie, she burst out laughing before wondering another thing about her strange tour guide. [color=6ecff6]“Do you always talk like a 5th century knight?”[/color] Cara marched around Eli, using her best impression of his voice to imitate him, “[color=6ecff6]I guarantee you will not find peace. I say, knowledge is power, if my name isn’t…”[/color] Cara paused. Turning her head to face him she asked, [color=6ecff6]“What’d you say your name was?”[/color] If Elijah could roll his eyes, he would, ‘please…’ he thought. That’s when the real question came out after a rather unimpressionable mockery, [color=crimson]”I didn’t,”[/color] he slowly strode past her, [color=crimson]”And yet I’m sorry to inform you that I’m not the Eli you’re looking for.”[/color] he mentioned this a few good feet away from her before turning to face her, [color=crimson]”Truthfully, most would call me Elijah. As for the Eli you seek, I know nothing of him, though for the scars he caused you, it does not surprise me you seek him.”[/color] The truth was out, she wasn’t after him, but considering he did lead her on, he did expect some form of retaliation, though she was unpredictable and could potentially do nothing. Either way, he’d be prepared. Paused halfway through her playful march, Cara mood changed drastically. One moment she was a couple feet away practically dancing, the next she was standing an inch away from Eli quivering with tension and rage. [color=6ecff6]“What kind of [i]fucking[/i] game do you think this is Eli? This another one of your tricks, your lessons?”[/color] Cara never took her eyes off of his face, watching him like she wasn’t sure whether to run or attack. Teleporting back away, Cara reappeared crouching with her head between her hands, [color=6ecff6]“You were here the whole time weren’t you, Eli. Hiding, like a coward. Who disguised you, huh, that bitch Alexis?”[/color] She completely ignored the words about not being the same Eli she was after. Teleporting to a standing position, Cara pointed a finger straight at Eli, [color=6ecff6]“Don’t you- don’t you fucking say a word! Just-”[/color] In the heat of the moment she didn’t even know what to say. It had always been something she would figure out when the time came, but now that she was faced with her(supposed) adversary she couldn’t even find the words to talk. So why bother. Breaking out into a sprint, Cara dove nearly 10 feet away, teleporting right into Eli’s stomach. The second the two collided she teleported again, onto a tower she remembered seeing on the tour. [color=6ecff6]“Come the fuck on then, stop running and lets finish this.”[/color] She teleported again appearing moments later with a golf club in hand. This was an unexpected turn of events, suddenly he was teleported to a tower, after a random and rather explosive breakdown; she had a weapon, but he was prepared to fight. Dodging and weaving, he avoided any blows that were directed towards him. Her blows could have killed any normal person, but he was far from it, and eventually her swing had slowed enough for his hand to shoot out and grab at the weapon she wielded and melting its metallic form in their hands. It may have burned her, but hopefully that would stop her from performing any more idiotic feats. [color=crimson]”Listen to me!”[/color] his voice was stern and commandingl, [color=crimson]”I understand you are in great pain, but I [b]am not[/b] the enemy you seek. Trust in me, and if you seek guidance I shall help you, your past is burdened, but your future could be bright.”[/color] his hands gripped tightly on her shoulders, rendering any sudden movement as he tried to calm the young woman. She was strong, but unpredictable, Elijah had to be prepared for whatever moves she made, and he repeated again, [color=crimson]”I am not your enemy, but if you would like, I can become your ally….”[/color] Just like the old days, when they spared together. Until the club melted in her hands. Yelping in pain, Cara lept back staring at the deep red marks seared into both palms. What the hell. Eli couldn’t melt stuff, only cut. He was telling the truth. This imposter in front of her wasn’t the one she was looking for. He grabbed her by the shoulder roughly, holding her in place. Cara’s head dipped towards her shoes as she spoke. [color=6ecff6]“I work alone.”[/color] The words came out of her mouth at barely a whisper. Before he had a chance to respond she grabbed his hand and bit down hard. Her mouth filled with blood, dribbling down the corner of her mouth. Pulling back from him, mouth stained red she teleported away leaving him stuck on the roof of the tower she had just brought him to. [color=6ecff6]“I’m always alone.”[/color] Though she was certain he couldn’t hear her from across campus, she continued to talk. Maybe it was to try and reassure herself, though it didn’t do much good. Elijah, though expecting the unexpected, was unable to predict such a powerful bite. Though he held his tongue as the pain flowed through him, the young woman teleported away and he was left atop the campus tower; alone. He was very high up, and he could have jumped down at anytime, but he needed time, time to think. There was another soul in need of guidance and though he was no hero, he was determined to help the estranged woman, perhaps find her some peace. The crimson liquid dripped from his body as water from a stalactite, clenching his fist, his hand began to sear the wound, the blood bubbling and boiling. Soon enough the wound blistered into a cauterized scar and he seated himself atop the tower in a meditative pose, pondering over the events that transpired. His mind wandered to Cara’s final words before she left, and he thought to himself, [color=crimson][i]’If you were truly alone, then why did you come to me?’[/i][/color]