[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/DcDObWX.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/1naIQNg.png[/img][/center] [hr] The person seemed to be waking up, and Kyle watched as they lifted their head ever so slightly, opening their eyes just enough so he could get a glimpse at them. His face immediately flushed in embarrassment realizing that this was actually a woman, not a man. He began to stammer, but rather than apologize he became enraptured with what he could see of her amethyst orbs; they were really quite beautiful. Staring into those sleep filled eyes he corrected his earlier statement, [color=limegreen]"Uh..e-excuse me miss, but are you-"[/color] Kyle unfortunately was unable to finish the sentence as a very sleuthy arm made its way to his side, pulling him in for an embrace. Faster than he could protest the other arm shot over pulling him up on top of her and locked him into a very warm prison; half body warmth, half surprised embarrassment. [color=limegreen]"L-Lady! What the hell are you doing?!"[/color] His body struggled against her grip, more like flailed in a desperate and vain attempt to escape his confines; his glasses even fell off. For someone who's body looked so tall, yet so lithe, she was surprisingly strong and Kyle couldn't flex his way out it. Reducing his flailing, his cheeks not getting any less red he took stock of the situation and the woman he was lying on top of. It seemed that she had fallen asleep again, a warm smile planted on her face, clearly someone was enjoying this situation far more than the other. Its not to say he didn't want to be pressed up against a woman, just not out in the public's eyes, in a non-consensual, non-mutual way. Speaking of which his eyes turned towards the crowd of academy students walking by, many stared and snickered, whispering things that Kyle could only imagine and yet all decided to pass them by, because clearly this was such a normal situation for someone to be in. Sighing he stared down at the woman's face, she did look pretty, despite the scars, her smile was childlike and endearing and he could feel her breathing as her chest lifted lightly up into him, despite having someone who was probably much heavier on top. She smelled of ash and soot, almost like she was around something that was burning recently, that's when he noted the clothing, was she a firefighter? Why would a firefighter be sleeping out on a bench near the academy? Had something happened here recently? He felt bad, its not like he didn't want to wake her up because she seemed so calm, and yet Kyle's uncomfortable meter was rising fairly high...he needed to get out of this. One thing at a time, that was his decision, and so with great effort and determination he began to pull his arm from the vice grip it was in. It took a great deal of effort and he could feel himself sweating from it, but he managed to pry his arm free like a cork from a bottle. Shaking it out a little he debated how he could wake her up, as much as a pinched cheek would probably work, he wanted to go a route that wouldn't cause her too much pain. Reaching his hand up, he brought it close to her face and pinched her nostrils shut, without an ample supply of automatic oxygen entering her lungs, the act alone should jostle her awake. [@Silver Fox]