[indent][indent][color=gray]A faceless account wrote on the Mayweather Facebook thread about the events that are to transpire tonight with the time and address. "So Gianna thinks she's going to have fun tonight, huh? Why don't we return the favor and crash Delirium? Our task is a bit more challenging since it is an actual establishment but isn't that more fitting? Since we are HEROES. Any businessman cannot refuse a paying customer and someone told me that the family that owns the strip of nightclubs does not only cater to villains, even if that is what they are. They are here to entertain. It's just over the years heroes grew too scared to enter the wolf's den. Let's change that, shall we?" [/color][/indent][/indent] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjBmNTlmZi5WMlZzWTI5dFpTQjBieUJFWld4cGNtbDFiUSwsLjAAAAAA/sinistersam.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjNhZDRjMS5TWFFuY3lCQklGWnBiR3hoYVc0bmN5Qk9hV2RvZENCUGRYUSwuMQAA/pure-evil-2.regular.png[/img] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/wpVM8uZMwThC0/giphy.gif[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1GIl38709Q][color=Aqua]Pure Evil[/color][/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGQNc5M2OGg][color=00aeef]I Need My Memory Back[/color][/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRufAykZPnE][color=0076a3]Pink Nightmares[/color][/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYap9YlE-88][color=0072bc]Bloody Tears[/color][/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wagn8Wrmzuc][color=teal]Judas[/color][/url] [img]http://i.imgur.com/aRuVSUO.png?1[/img] [/center] [indent]Rightfully known for its nightlife, NYC is the home for some of the best sophisticated cocktail dens, wild and exotic bars, and the bewitching nightclubs. The City's after-dark entertainment is electrifying, thrilling, and sometimes [i]dangerous[/i]. Delirium is one of the larger venues of its kind, owned by the notorious Hart family (the family known for some of the strongest Shadow Manipulators and Necromancers today). With the sexiest dance floor catered to the young, creatures of the night, an elevated VIP Section, and the best servic e in the region, Delirium offers sinful pleasures with blue color tones throughout the massive warehouse. The [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4c/dd/c7/4cddc72feb3ec2bac74d00bd202eb645.jpg]VIP lounge[/url], only given access to special guests, loyal clients, and well paying customers (must have a gold card - purchase at a bar), offers Bottle Service, a full drink menu, comfortable and extravagant seating, and just the right ambiance to socialize with "class". This club in particular usually hosts major events for young adults and even has a [url=http://img1.10bestmedia.com/Images/Photos/238460/The-ACT-interior-1_55_660x440_201404242047.jpg]cabaret room[/url] for musically lustful shows that is currently blocked off for the night. It attracts the top DJ talent and the [url=https://www.grandsierraresort.com/images/Dancing-Around-the-Pool-and-on-the-Dance-Floor-in-LEX-Nightclub-at-Grand-Sierra-Resort_1920x1080.jpg]main level dance floor[/url] hovers over a pool of water (yes, there are open parts that you could fall into) while the room itself will captivate you with pulsating sounds, dazzling lights, and surprises in every corner (ie. fog machines, nooks and crannies to make out in, platforms to dance on like a stripper). The biggest thing that separates Delirium from the rest of the nightclubs on the strip is the [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f4/7a/b3/f47ab30770f8b5f89dd22ff031d11e10.jpg]private lounges[/url] that dual roles as a place for Karaoke. Let's just say that this establishment WANTS YOUR MONEY. The [url=http://www.plebio.com/images/2015/12/metal-wall-art-luxury-interior-designs-in-lounge-area-brown-sofa-black-glass-coffee-table-inspiring-lounge-room-decorations-luxury-interior-designs-interior-luxury-interior-designs-for-rich-people-ro-936x624.jpg]basement[/url] is known as "The Wolf's Den" which is a home in itself, a place for the "family" and people that get specifically invited in by intimidating men with completely black suits on. If you're found in there, without an invitation expect to have an issue on your hands. Loyalty is one of the biggest values for anything relating to the Hart's, the nightclub is open to all those that know the price of entering their domain. You'll lose all your inhibitions, you'll make mistakes, and they will reap the benefits. Delirium is a 21 + joint but if you are underage and you slip in, the Harts aren't liable of what could happen to you. They believe all those that want to enter their playground should have [i]fun[/i]. When things stop being fun, oh no no, that won't do. Take any drama and fights you have outside or expect to be invited to the Wolf's Den but for all the wrong reasons. If anyone knows anything about Leonardo Hart, the man behind most dark entertainment businesses in NYC, know that he is a man of his word and you do not want to make him or his family your enemy. They're reasonable, so respect their home and they'll respect you. Yes Delirium is their home, along with every other nightclub and bar on this strip. When you enter through the large doors with a psychedelic and large sign over it that spells 'D E L I R I U M' in large letters, that shimmers the colors of a trance dream, you find yourself in this spacious blue colored room when going down the entrance [url=http://s3-media3.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/Lsmf446s7ZgnDEc8uw9ykA/o.jpg]stairs[/url] to a nice [url=http://img2.10bestmedia.com/Images/Photos/72112/trinity-nightclub-interior-bar_54_990x660_201406011314.jpg]sitting area[/url], with a check-in coat room, for a calm "happy hour". If you continue forward, there is a "cherry" [url=http://media.lasvegasweekly.com/img/photos/2008/05/19/scaled.Cherry_Tunnel.jpg]tunnel[/url] that will lead you to the [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9a/9c/02/9a9c026b78035f193db74e80eb18ecf5.jpg]bar[/url] that [url=http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/6119744/600full-riccardo-scamarcio.jpg]Giovanni[/url] (a family friend to the Hart's) tends. Go left for the dance floor and lounges (including the elevated VIP lounge), go right for the cabaret and the door to the [url=http://livedesignonline.com/site-files/livedesignonline.com/files/gallery_images/tunnel-hall-01-rgb.jpg?1427738609]side stairways[/url] that lead down to the Wolf's Den, straight to an alleyway, and up to... a place that no one has ventured to. Well besides Familia. Do not dare. [i]Please enjoy your stay, we look forward to meeting you.[/i] [/indent] [center][img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/890941464d8d858c95ca4409b97ac12d/tumblr_o145hbgWdW1uetx75o1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjBmNTlmZi5TVzUwY205a2RXTnBibWMsLjAAAAAAAAA,/wicked-queen-bb.regular.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PPIJbYE.png[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/13800b83be614314ac79cea5d353e3c3/tumblr_mpiwuisj251qj5cd5o3_250.gif[/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/20fd4d7af20341d8aec6f050649b4084/tumblr_mpiwuisj251qj5cd5o1_250.gif[/img] [color=536878][b]Location:[/b][/color] Outside of Delirium → The Wolf's Den [color=536878][b]Time:[/b][/color] A little before 9 [color=536878][b]Stoked & Excited to be in NYC[/b][/color] [url=http://wpc.4d27.edgecastcdn.net/004D27/Red%20Carpet/NewYearsEvePremiere/Jake%20T.%20Austin.jpg]Outfit[/url][/center][hr] "[color=536878]Nico! Niccolo! oh and Jimmy. My boy![/color]" A short, 17 year old boy with his brown hair sleeked back, a black classy as fuck suit (with a gray button up) and polished shoes, gave the bald bouncer with tats and a deadly amber stare a fist bump, while simply nodding at the other bouncer who wasn't Italian ([url=https://vice-images.vice.com/images/content-images/2015/06/18/the-bouncers-of-ibiza-111-body-image-1434657221.jpg?resize=*:*&output-quality=75]Reference picture[/url]). He wore large red skull candy headphones with a cord that led to his pant's pocket, blaring out [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-AgYXz2n9Y]Bang Bang by Nancy Sinatra[/url] and surprisingly not holding his camera since it's the second night he's been in town and he heard friends were going to be here. Can't always carry his life around, you know? (He's dying internally). Before any of them could respond, the squirrel brained kid grinned, "[color=536878]I heard Vince's babe is hosting a par-tah tonight. So you know, I had to come. Is there people I should keep a special 'eye' on?[/color]" His eyebrows moved up and down giving off that: maybe I'll find a bodacious lady to have pop with. Knowing the young Hart would prefer hearing an answer from Nico than Jimmy, the non-Italian kept quiet while Nico with an unsettling quiet and husky voice muttered, "Lovelace girls, Virgil." "[color=536878]Oh damn! Gia be makin' friends with them? Movin' up in the world. Now I'm definitely down with being up in this club.[/color]" He raised his fist in the air like the dork that he was, feeling achieved with his sudden decision to live in New York with his uncle. "[color=536878]Send them to the Wolf's Den. Alleyway-access. I wants to meet them personally.[/color]" The Italian upbringing could definitely be heard in Virgil Hart's voice. His light brown orbs met with Jimmy, who answered with a laid back and chill voice, "And if they have other's with them?" "[color=536878]If they got boobs, send them too! The guys can wait in line like the rest of 'em.[/color]" Both men nodded before Virgil dismissed himself and rather than walk through the grand entrance, he went to the alleyway and used a key card to enter through the side, disappearing from moonlit night. [sub](Keeping his words short. You'll see more of Virgil soon <3)[/sub]