[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmE4NWMxNS5WR2hsSUV4dmMzUWdUR2wwZEd4bElFTnBibTVoYlc5dUlGSnZiR3csLjAA/niagra-faults.regular.png[/img] [h2][color=magenta]Ashton Griffone[/color] & [color=limegreen]Kyle[/color] || The Academy[/h2] [sub][@BeastofDestiny] & [@Silver Fox][/sub] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dwZXUAC.png?1[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Oz76KFT.png?1[/img][/center] [hr] Continuing to snooze softly, the tall blonde held her current 'teddy bear' closer to herself. She heard some words uttered, but she couldn't quite tell what they were saying. All she knew was that she was warm and comfy at the moment, giving a happy relaxed smile. For some reason, this teddy bear was quite squirmy. Oh well, maybe it was just a squirmy cuddly bear. Nose twitching at all the shifting, her grip tightened as the shuffling continued. Though it didn’t do much to disturb her sleep. However, she felt something press against her nose, and for a time it didn’t bother her. Until she felt uncomfortable, her chest slightly heaving at the sudden lack of flow of oxygen. It reminded her of when she was in sort of a deep smoky fire. Unable to breathe at all. Was she passed out in a house fire?! Amethyst eyes snapping open, the giant woman suddenly shot up into a sitting position. Before losing balance and flailing off of the bench, landing flat on her back. Face scrunching up in obvious discomfort, she sat up again, and blinked her eyes into focus. Rubbing them with the back of her right hand before glancing downward to see a…. Boy? How’d he get here? Why was he on top of her? Was he tired too? Gee.. hope she didn’t hurt him. Eyes softening in concern, she lightly took his shoulders to help him up, and to check him over to make sure he’s okay. Her face suddenly was turning to that of discomfort and she was starting to breathe a bit more heavily. It seemed to be working, [color=limegreen]”Come on, wake up plea-”[/color]. Before he could say anymore she suddenly shot up, promptly lost her balance and fell, with him on top of her. He groaned, his face firmly planted into her chest, [color=limegreen]”Ow…”[/color] his breath was muffled into her jacket, the smell of soot very strong now, though he was lucky he had someone soft to fall on...okay maybe that wasn’t a chivalrous thought. Lifting his head up, he stared into a pair of amethyst eyes, his sapphire blue ones reflecting back at her. His face flushed again in embarrassment and he was sure that she’d be pretty pissed at having some random guy just fall right on top of her. Instead her face actually turned to concern and she helped lift him up a little, checking him over, dusting him off and whatnot. [color=limegreen]”Are you..um...okay?”[/color] He asked concern in his own voice, he barely even noticed they were on the ground together, him still on top of her, perhaps he was in shock? He really couldn't stop staring at those eyes though. At the question, Ashton tilted her head a bit thoughtfully. Honestly she was mostly concerned over this stranger. Well she should probably should be concerned why he was on top of her, but her being her, she was concerned over his safety. Raising her hands a little, she cupped his face between her strong gloved hands. Gingerly turning it side to side to make sure there wasn’t any damage. Then ran them along the down the shoulders and ribs to make sure she didn’t crush him in any way. Giving a soft silent sigh in relief, she gave a bright cheerful smile, gemstone eyes sparkling with glee as she gave a happy nod to answer his question. Gingerly reaching her right hand up to lightly pat the top of his head happily, mildly ruffling his hair. It took her a few heartbeats until she realized something….. Wait. She remembered she was still in her work clothes. Still as filthy as she was when she left the station. This guy… was he a student? Oh dear… Quickly, she stood up, taking his hands up along with her in order to help him up. Her expression changing into one of complete concern, perhaps slightly panicking that she possibly messed up his clothing. She of course, didn’t have anything to clean up the poor kid so she pressed her hands together in front of her face and bowed apologetically. His face turned tomato red as her hands reached up for his face, [color=limegreen]”Uh...um…”[/color], the boy was practically speechless as she turned his head side to side, checking him over. Then his shoulders, and his sides. As she went lower and lower, his face got redder and redder. Having done her inspection she seemed to be pleased, a bright smile on her face coupled with those gleaming eyes as she nodded affirmatively. Kyle sighed relief, closing his eyes, he wasn’t completely sure if she was answering his question, but she hadn’t given any disapproval so that was at least a good sign. His eyes shot open again as he felt a hand fall on his head, ruffling his hair a little, he didn’t mind the gesture, just was surprising and he laughed a little at it, finding it kind of cute. Without warning though her face turned to shock and she quickly pulled him up into a standing position. Shock was written on his face as well, [color=limegreen]”W-w-what?! What’s wrong?”[/color] she placed her hands together and bowed apologetically, she was apologizing? To him? [color=limegreen]”I don’t understand why are you apologizing? Is it because of the bear hug you gave me earlier? I mean that’s fine it happens, and I’m not really that bothered by it.”[/color] Clearly he wasn’t following why she was so upset. Amethyst gaze blinking, slightly dumbfounded as this new information processed in her mind, her left hand slammed into her face in a harsh facepalm. Oh. So that’s what happened, well that’s great. Thank God he didn’t seem offended about it. Geez, why was she so touchy in her sleep? Marine already got mad the one time she clung to the red head in her sleep. It was apparently a bad habit of hers. Still, it wasn’t what had made her slightly panicked over the situation, and the boy didn’t seem to particularly realize. Gingerly tapping her own chin with her right index finger thoughtfully, she nodded as she determined how to explain. Looking at the stranger, she raised her hands and slowly drew them over her dirty form. Then outstretched them and did the same motion toward him. Before drawing her hands back to grab the front of her clothes and lightly pull at them, shaking it gingerly. Causing some soot to flake off in a light puff of smoke, trying to emphasize her dirty form. Kyle was...confused...why wasn’t she saying anything? Could she not say anything? That was possible, but he wasn’t sure how to properly...function in conversation with this game of charades. Still she seemed to emphasize his form so he looked down and...oh… His rather bright orange shirt and blue jeans were suddenly covered in ash. Looking at her, then back at himself, then back to her he couldn’t help but start laughing. He couldn’t believe that he first thought of her as some dirty hobo, but now he was starting to piece things together, the uniform was obvious, but the fact that she slept on a park bench must have meant she was out pretty late last night. He felt like such an idiot, but he couldn’t help but laugh and grip at his sides at how much of an idiot he was. [color=limegreen]”I, haha, I, I’m so sorry,”[/color] he said in between fits of giggles. As he began to calm down he explained himself, [color=limegreen]”Sorry, I just realized how funny this whole situation is and...well never mind that, don’t worry about the clothes, it’ll wash out I’m sure.”[/color] He smiled brightly and affirmatively at the tall blonde, she really was tall, was probably almost a good foot above him. She probably would look intimidating to most anybody, but Kyle had seen the kindness in her eyes, she didn’t look like she could harm a fly...well first impressions at least. [color=limegreen]”I’m Kyle, it’s nice to meet you,”[/color] he smiled brightly, but suddenly remembered something, [color=limegreen]”Hey uh… I don’t mean to pry, but why were you sleeping on that bench? That’s kind of dangerous y’know? I know it’s a college campus, but you never know what kind of weirdos might try to come around and take advantage of a person in that kind of position.”[/color] He really didn’t mean to scold her decision, not after meeting her, but he was a worrying kind of individual and his face clearly showed it. [color=limegreen]”Do you live far from here? Do you have a place to go to?”[/color] Ashton blinked in utter confusion as the boy seemed confused, then just started laughing and giggling. Why was he laughing? Well, at least he didn’t seem mad and his laughter brought a smile back to her face. Giving another silent sigh of relief.. She would hate to ruin his day or something. The boy revealed his name to be ‘Kyle’ and politely greeted her. In which case she gave a chipper smile, dug her hand into her pocket and dragged out her wallet. Flipping it open to reveal him her ID card. Introducing herself as Ashton Griffone. She found just showing her ID was the simplest way of revealing her name to people. As she put it pack into her pocket, her amethyst gaze looked at him in confusion, tilting her head to the side curiously as he seemed to gently scold her for sleeping outside. Dangerous? Why was it dangerous? She was pretty sure Marine explained this already but couldn’t quite make it out. Perhaps cold? Mhmm it was still kind of warm even at the end of summer. So she didn’t freeze to death at least. Oh but Kyle mentioned weirdos. Mhmm what kind of weirdos? Maybe they’d take her wallet? Mhmm well she could always get another one. Still it was nice of Kyle to worry about her. Very sweet and cute. However when he asked if she lived close by or if she even had a place. She nodded and gave a determined thumbs up before looking around. Her smile twitching as she realized… well she didn’t particularly know which way was home. Um… Was it North of the Academy? Maybe South? Feeling slightly nervous beads of sweat roll down her temple, she gave a nervous embarrassed smile as she raised her left hand to scratch behind her blonde head. Giving a slow shrug in response, as she didn’t particularly know the exact direction of home. She really should… but she had the worst sense of direction. Oh well. She found home eventually so she should just probably start wandering the city again until she found it. Pick up things for Amaya along the way if she happened to run into a grocery store. Smiling brightly at Kyle, the tall blonde patted his head again before lightly pushing him towards where she assumed he was going. Which was the large building nearby that was probably the Academy. Or she hoped. Before cheerfully waving farewell before starting to walk off. Though occasionally she did come to a halt to look around in confusion. Trying to decide the correct direction. Still, she didn’t need to bother innocent people in her exciting journey home when they had better things to do. She’d made a game out of it at least. Kyle looked at her in confusion as she seemed to look around nervously when he asked her about home. She seemed to wave it off and start pushing him towards the main building, though he was even more confused now...did she think he was a student? Bahaha, fuck that noise. He turned around and watched as she walked, and of course she looked confused again...she didn’t know where she lived did she? He sighed, smiling to himself, he was used to things like this by now, being an escort service. He should probably consider a job with Super at this point, actually make money on all these outings. Ah well, at least he had cute girls to interact with, even if she was kind of quiet. He jogged over to her, [color=limegreen]”Hey, wait up.”[/color] He held his hand out, [color=limegreen]”Let me have a look at your ID again.”[/color] Pausing from her confusion, Ashton turned her amethyst gaze towards Kyle who had decided to catch up to her. Tilting her head at the request, she gave a silent sigh though her easygoing cheerful smile still remained. Shoving her hand into her pocket once more to pull out her wallet and let it fall in the outstretched hand. Eyes blinking curiously but gave a slight nervous smile, a little worried she was bothering him. He was so nice! Though he really shouldn’t need to bother himself in helping her out. It was her job to help people out. Except apparently when it came directions because she really was bad at them. Whipping out his phone, he examined her license...perfect an address was listed. He opened up Doogle Maps, typed the address into his phone and the female voice addressed the two of which directions to follow. [color=limegreen]”There, now we know where your house is,”[/color] he smiled, handing the wallet back off to her, [color=limegreen]”Can’t have you wandering the city by yourself now, especially if you don’t know where you’re going, wouldn’t sit right with me.”[/color] He put the phone in a small pocket on his shirt, making sure the volume was high enough for them to hear, [color=limegreen]”Plus I should probably change anyway, and my apartment isn’t too far from yours. If you don’t mind my company, may we walk together?”[/color] Blinking some more as she leaned over him to check out what he was doing, curiously resting her hands on top of his head as she watched use his phone to apparently input her address. Technology sure has come a long ways, she realized. Perhaps she should get these more fancy phones. She only had the standard flip phone that could have phone calls and could text. But it was sturdy, so it didn’t break as easily. Marine insisted she’d probably smash a smartphone as soon as she got one. Which, Ashton couldn’t really deny. When he finished, she tilted her head thoughtfully before nodding cheerfully. Well, if they were heading in the same direction, she supposed it was alright. So, she happily grabbed his hand, intertwining her long slender fingers with his before cheerfully dragging them both in a direction. Changing course whenever the phone called out that they were going the wrong way. However, the tall blonde did pause when she spotted a flower shop that perked up her interest. Awe perfect! Now she can give her roomie a little present for leaving her alone for so long! So she released Kyle’s hand to look at him with a enlightened, determined gaze. Holding up a index finger to indicate to give her but a moment before bounding over in a skipping fashion to purchase a bouquet. Kyle’s hand was suddenly was suddenly wrapped in her’s, her fingers intertwining with his own. His face was shot with another dose of red, and they went along their merry way. Eventually he calmed down and just tried to play off the situation by going on about random idle talk. He wasn’t too great at small talk, but he did his best at it, and that was when she stopped, confused she pointed at the store and skipped in. He scratched his head and looked at the sign, his face visibly paling, ‘The Enchanted Florist’. Kyle, so focused on the walk didn’t realize where they were, and looking out to the street, he briefly recalled the fight he had with Nick Weston, only to see that...anger on… he shook his head. He was really tempted to walk away from this place...but it had been months, they never officially went steady, so why was he hesitant? She probably already had a boyfriend by now, and he was going on a date tonight...as a matter of fact, he should maybe bring something for the date...maybe flowers would be nice. His hand reached out for the door, only for him to now notice the amount of black ash covering it. He chuckled, he forgot, she was wearing gloves, and so he entered the store. Looking around the place hadn’t quite changed, Ashton seemed to be looking at some of the bouquets so he decided to join her in looking. He heard footsteps coming around the corner and was seriously afraid that it was Nori...reluctantly turning his head, he was relieved to find that it wasn’t Nori but...wait… [color=limegreen]”Hey, I remember you, you were that drunk guy from the Cornerstone.”[/color] Probably not the best way to greet someone, but his nerves were already on edge from even entering the store front.