[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLjM2OTIzNS5WR2hsSUV4aGJtZDFZV2RsSUc5bUlFWnNiM2RsY25NLC4w/pyktor.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LjM2OTIzNS5WR2hsSUV4aGJtZDFZV2RsSUc5bUlFWnNiM2RsY25NLC4w/kr-kats-flowers.regular.png[/img] [h2][color=limegreen]Kyle[/color], [color=magenta]Ashton[/color], & [color=orangered]Theo[/color] || The Enchanted Florist[/h2] [sub][@BeastofDestiny], [@Silver Fox], & [@Evil Snowman][/sub] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dwZXUAC.png?1[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/Oz76KFT.png?1[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/OnptUzC.png?1[/img][/center] [hr] The store so far had been quiet this morning minus one or two customers. Theo feeling rather pleased about this. As he continued to do various little jobs to keep him moving and awake. The energy drink in his system really doing very little to improve his energy level. So resorted to doing anything and everything to keep him moving. The movement helped keep on him on task focused, Theo stopping for a few seconds to yawn or check the entrance. Mostly to make sure people were not trying to pinch the flowers outside. It was rare but it happened ... some people were just cheapskates. Theo was out the back sorting out a bouquet of rainbow roses, when he heard movement out the front. [color=OrangeRed]“Goodie …”[/color] Theo muttered to himself, the young man giving a tired sigh. Heading out into the store, bouquet still in hand forgetting to put it down. Walking towards the sounds of movement. Theo stopping dead in his tracks when he heard someone mention they remembered him as a drunk guy from the Cornerstone. Turning to the face this person, Theo was unsure what to say. Unable to remember which time in the Cornerstone he was drunk or seeing them in general. [color=OrangeRed]“Sorry sir, but have we met? I’m afraid I don’t recall seeing you before.”[/color] Theo stated tapping his foot twice. [color=limegreen]”I’m sure as hell not surprised dude,”[/color] Kyle shrugged, taking a couple steps forward, he extended his hand to shake the others, completely forgetting about the soot on it, [color=limegreen]”You had some weird...concoction, I think that bartender put tobasco sauce in it or something and literally you dropped to floor like thirty seconds later. You had a friend there...think his name was...Jack? Anyway I ended up hauling you home cause your friend was...frankly too much of a pussy to do so himself.”[/color] Kyle didn’t mince his words, he was forward and straight to the point, and after all if this guy didn’t know it already, he deserved to. [color=limegreen]”Name’s Kyle, nice to finally meet you, you know, when you’re not slung over my shoulder.”[/color] Ashton continued to look over the bouquets of flowers, trying to decide which was the best for Amaya. Mhmm what flowers would girls like? Did Amaya even like flowers? Mhmm whichever Ashton just hoped she liked them. Perhaps she could go for roses? Mhmm but then Amaya might think Ashton wanted to date her. Not that Ashton [i]wouldn’t[/i] or anything just that a pretty girl like Amaya probably had someone already. No one really wanted a big oaf like this buffoon of a firefighter who can’t even find her way home half the time. So there was little to none of getting into any sort of relationship. Well Marine said otherwise… like there was someone she friendzoned back at Firefighter boot camp or something. The tall blonde didn’t understand what she meant. Shaking her head to rid the thoughts and focus on this very important task in being the best roommate ever, her amethyst gaze continued their thorough evaluation over the [url=http://static.zerochan.net/Finnian.full.315599.jpg]flowers[/url]. Finding one, she smiled brightly, clapping her hands together in utter glee. Before she finally realized she was still wearing her dirty gloves. Apparently it took having a puff of ash and soot slam into her face for her to realize this. Face scrunching up at the impact, she gave a silent chuckle before removing her gloves and stuffing them in her pockets. Revealing her calloused yet slender hands. Larger than most, just like the rest of her but they still looked like gentle ones. Reaching out, she gingerly took a bouquet and held it in her grasp. However she did finally realize what Kyle was doing, listening to him greet someone. Turning her gaze to see what was going on, she spotted a familiar face. It was that cute little albino from last night who had joined into that little spat. What luck! With a chipper smile as she gave a little skip toward them. Her greeting to the white haired boy was another patting of his head. Running her fingers along the silky texture of white hair. Smile bright and eyes glimmering with joy as to meet again. It was always nice to make new friends. The more friends, the better. Hearing what had happened the night this Kyle and met him. Theo gave an embarrassed laugh. Rubbing the back of his head, he had little choice to admit to himself that sounded a little … okay maybe a lot like him on a bender. [color=OrangeRed]“Yeah … chances are that was me and Jack. I think I recall something about my landlady giving me your number to thank you. I lost it though … sorry. Still it good to be able to thank you now. So you have my thanks Kyle. I owe you one for that night. So if you need any help at all I’m at your disposal,”[/color] Theo said taking the handshake, noticing when it was over his hand was now quite dirty. Mentally sighing as he now had to wash his hand before handling anything. Theo was about to turn to go wash his hand when he saw someone he did recognize. That person being the tall blonde from last night. Theo about to speak up and say hello when she patted him on the head. Theo trying to not frown as he his head was petted. Stepping back the moment she stopped. [color=OrangeRed]“Hello again. Pleased to see your well.[/color] he stated noticing that giant blonde was holding a bouquet of flowers. [color=OrangeRed]“Oh, buying these for your boyfriend here?”[/color] Theo questioned pointing at Kyle with rainbow roses he was holding. Kyle flushed a little, though he supposed it wasn’t as bad as the marriage proposal last night. [color=limegreen]”No uh...we just met actually, I was just walking her home,”[/color] he looked to Ashton, giving her a small smile. Turning back to shopkeeper he noticed the flowers in his hand and his eyes widened, [color=limegreen]”Hey...about that favor, I don’t suppose that’s an order for someone now is it? I uh..actually have a date with someone and I was thinking that getting them something would be nice, you suppose I could purchase those?”[/color] He was scratching the back of his head nervously, partly from the boyfriend comment, partly because of the gift for his date with Amaya. Ashton tilted her head to the side, her hand returning to the bouquet in her hands as she questionably stared at the white haired man. Blinking a little before giving a silent laugh and shook her head. Agreeing with Kyle, though being a bit less embarrassed about it. Still she looked at Kyle as he said he was going on a date with someone and would also like a bouquet. Awe how sweet! She wondered what kind of girl Kyle was going out with? She couldn’t help but wonder what a date was like? Was it like something in a manga? Or a drama tv show? Mhmmm couldn’t be but she really didn’t know other than like from romance manga or something. Giving a date flowers at the beginning of the event sounds about right. Mhmm she couldn’t help but imagine this ‘date’ Kyle would have. It made her gleefully joyful for him and brought a bright smile to her face. Digging into her pocket once more, she pulled out her wallet and shuffled about as she dragged out her credit card. Holding it out to Theo before pointing at herself, the bouquet and then Kyle. Trying to say she would pay for both of the bundles of flowers. Hearing the two were not a couple. Theo looked at the two for a moment as if deciding to believe them or not. Before shrugging deciding he didn’t care enough to question it. When Kyle asked about the flowers he was holding. Theo shook his head. [color=OrangeRed]“Sorry my friend these are spoken for. I merely forgot to put them down coming out. Bbbbbuuuutttt since I owe you. I could see about looking to see if I have more rainbow roses. Though are you sure want roses? That’s a big statement … giving someone a rose on a date. You're pretty much saying I love you. If it's a first date maybe that might come off a little strong. Although it’s up to you, if you like I could offer a suggestion.”[/color] Theo said looking down at the bouquet he was holding. He really wish he’d put it down now … he didn’t like saying no to customers When the large blond reached into her pocket Theo couldn’t help but look over. Watching her movement carefully recalling she didn’t speak. Something he found to most intersting, his mind began to wonder why she was mute. As the blonde pulled out a credit card and pointed at herself then flowers and her companion. [color=OrangeRed]“ You're paying right? That’s what you're trying to say?[/color] Kyle waved his hands at Ashton’s kind gesture, [color=limegreen]”Really Ashton, you don’t to do that, I really appreciate the thought, but...well maybe you can help me decide something at least?”[/color] Kyle did seriously think over what Theo was saying, giving roses on a first date was a pretty strong statement, but wasn’t that red roses? He figured he’d ask Ashton her thoughts, [color=limegreen]”Maybe I could have your opinion? Should I get the roses or...do you think she might take it the wrong way? It's the first date I’ve been on in...almost a year now, I don’t want to screw it up, but...well...I trust your opinion? Should I look for something else? Or should I get something like those roses?”[/color] He looked to his travelling companion, his eyes searching for answers in hers, that’s when he noticed the amount of soot on her face and he couldn’t help but contain his laughter once more, [color=limegreen]”We should probably get you cleaned up when you’re back home.”[/color] Ashton’s gleeful expression slowly deflated as Kyle refused to let her pay for his bouquet, visibly pouting like a dog that got smacked on the nose. If she did make sound, one could just imagine a puppy whimper. But despite this, her glistening amethyst gaze brightened as he requested her assistance in choosing. Placing a index finger on her chin, she tapped it thoughtfully as she tried to think. Roses usually got the message and girls seemed to like them, but there was something she learned from Claire a long time ago. It was easy to go to the default rose, but it sometimes held more meaning if one picked the right set of flowers. Sure, Ashton thought roses would be fine, most don’t pay much attention to the language of flowers. Still, she wanted things to go perfectly for Kyle, so she would do her best. Snapping her fingers, as a idea seemed to pop within her mind, she bounded back over to the bouquets of flowers. Glancing through them with interest. Humming softly as she looked through them, seeming to be looking for certain flowers. She glanced at her own, which were mostly a bundle of white lilies before nodding as she picked out a bouquet. Returning to Kyle with a cheerful expression and another bouquet. This one consisted of a few different flowers. It also had a few lilies, a stargazer, a azalea, couple of bells of ireland, a few white carnations, and several white violets. The messages these flowers spoke were still very sweet, not too strong like a declaration of love like a red rose, but they were pretty and spoke of giving happiness a chance. She wasn’t sure Kyle would understand, but she hoped he liked them all the same. Her amethyst eyes couldn’t help but sparkle in utter determination and joy as she waited in anticipation. Theo merely watched the two, Kyle asked for the large blondes help in picking something out. To give to his date. Theo contemplating the matter as Ashton seemed to agree to the request and pick something out. Theo eyes lighting up as she came something for Kyle. [color=OrangeRed]“Oh, you have a good eye sunflower. Have you studied the language of flowers yourself?[/color] Theo said nodding in approval. [color=OrangeRed]“I’ll let you two work this out. Need to wash my hands and put these down. If you’ll excuse me,[/color] Theo quickly said. Walking into the back of the store, doing as he said. Before coming back out, his hands now free and clean he was ready to deal with the pair. Kyle felt kind of bad, it's not that he wanted Ashton to pay for his bouquet, but those damn eyes puppy dogged him, making him feel like he got shot. This being said, her mood cheered up rather considerably as she made her way over to the flowers, seeming to grab a rather mixed assortment of them. His eyes gleamed as he looked over the selection, smiling at Ashton with renewed vigor, [color=limegreen]”Yea, you know what, I think these will be perfect, she’ll love them.”[/color] He turned back to the shopkeep, his eyebrow raising as he happened to notice what potentially could have been read as ‘flirtation’ with his friend. As the young man stepped out back, Kyle couldn’t help but give Ashton a kind and knowing smirk, she seemed rather...oblivious since their interaction less than an hour ago, maybe she wouldn’t pick up on it. Perhaps she already had a boyfriend and while he didn’t know this white haired guy too well, well...maybe something would spark between the two of them? Regardless, as the man came back, Kyle held up his bouquet, [color=limegreen]”I think you’re right that she knows her stuff, I’ll take these.”[/color] Beaming brightly like the sun, Ashton smiled and nodded vigorously at the statement of knowing the language of flowers. Well, it wasn’t so much she studied, it was just something her and Claire did as a hobby occasionally. Claire seemed to know a lot and Ashton picked up on it. She wanted to make people happy, and flowers was one of the ways that did the trick to bring a smile to someone’s face. Turning to Kyle as he visibly beamed as well, Ashton hopped up and down a bit happily as she managed to successfully to put a smile on her new friend’s face. Plus it helped make up for the little incident earlier between them. And that they were now both filthy. Though when Kyle gave what looked like a smirk, her head slowly tilted to the side in a cute questioning manner. Oblivious to any possible flirtation or interest. Mhmm perhaps he had thought of something amusing? Oh maybe the reaction to his date? Mhmm she could only imagine the happy look. Turning her gaze to the white haired man, she gleefully shuffled in place. Obviously excited and happy about all of this. Seeing the tall blonde nod vigorously to his question Theo could help but let out a small chuckle finding the reaction to slightly amusing. It was nice to meet someone that liked flowers, it was those customers Theo liked dealing with. So the tall blonde would be welcome anytime he was working even if she didn’t want to buy anything. When Theo came back out he was happy to see Kyle seemed to of picked what he wanted. Again nodding in approval of his choice, not that he’d say it but he’d put that bouquet together himself. So to see it sold gave him a nice sense of pride. Given he didn’t do them very often. [color=OrangeRed]“Nice pick. I’m sure your date will love these,”[/color] Theo said ringing them up. [color=OrangeRed]“That’ll be $50 … wait I think these are on “sale”. Let's say ... $30,[/color] Theo said quoting the word sale. [color=OrangeRed]“Consider it my way of saying thanks. Since I did owe you.”[/color] continued waiting for Kyle to hand him money or produce some sort of card. Ashton danced in place like she was humming before gingerly placing her hand on top of Kyle’s head, lightly pushing him aside before setting her card in the white haired man’s hand. All with a bright smile on her face. She wasn’t particularly going to take ‘no’ as an answer either. The edges of her lips twitched, eyes shimmering but very firm as she looked at the shopkeeper. Almost saying ‘Please. Take. It. Now.’ in the most possibly nice forceful way possible. As Kyle reached into his pocket to produce his own wallet he felt a slender hand lightly, yet forcefully push him out of the way. Ashton had produced her own card, putting it in front of the register. As much as Kyle wanted to protest, he figured the girl wasn’t one to take no for an answer. Smiling softly he placed a hand on her arm, smiling softly with kind eyes, [color=limegreen]”Thanks friend,”[/color] Here this girl was, paying for a gift for someone she barely knew, all for a date she didn’t even know about. This girl was truly a kind soul and it actually made sense a little bit, for all her obliviousness, why she slept on that park bench last night; she had a great sense of trust and compassion. Watching the tall blond push Kyle out of the way, Theo was a little unsure on what to do for a moment. Merely watching until Kyle said thanks, taking that a the sign to take the blondes card. Before he did that he wordlessly requested the bouquet she was holding. Waiting for the blonde to hand them over ringing them up. [color=OrangeRed]“Alright, that’s $72 all up.”[/color] Theo stated almost automatically as he offered credit card reader to the blode. [color=OrangeRed]“Whenever you are ready Sunflower.”[/color] Ashton nodded gleefully, beaming as Kyle accepted the help. Handing the white haired shopkeeper her bouquet then petting the top of Kyle’s head. Happy he was letting her do this for him. It was the least she could do to make up what happened earlier. With the whole… crushing him into a hug in her sleep, causing him to look like a walking chimney sweep, and helping her find her way home in this city. Yup. Marine would've constantly scolded her by now but Kyle was nice enough not to even put up a complaint. Eagerly, she looked at the albino expectantly, hands soon outstretching to take the bouquets and her credit card. Handing the blonde the bouquets and card. Theo gave bow, once again amused by the blondes quite yet expressive nature. Theo hoped he’d meet the blonde outside of work again. [color=OrangeRed]“Thank you for your patronage. Please shop with us again. I hope to see both of you again. Pleasant day to both of you,[/color] Theo stated almost sounding like it was programmed into him as he stood behind the counter waiting for the pair to leave. [color=limegreen]”Thanks again,”[/color] he smiled at the albino before turning and gesturing for Ashton to follow. They hadn’t much further to go until they reached her apartment. With bouquet in hand, he opened the door, allowing the tall blonde to walk ahead of him first and exited, the door closing behind him. It’s rather familiar bell chimed out, a thing of the past to him as he looked forward towards the future. Smiling gleefully as she took the bouquet and card before waving her left arm over head enthusiastically in farewell to the albino man before following after Kyle with a cheery skip in her step. Excited to see Amaya again and see if she liked her present when the firefighter finally returned home.