[hider=The Greater Lothrian Dominion]

[hr][hr][h1]The Greater Lothrian Dominion[/h1][i][h3]"The Future Awaits"[/h3][/i]

[indent]The GLD is a science focused race consisting of Lothrians and their subject race which they have created called the Norruks. Despite being research heavy, the Lothrians are also quite the superstitious bunch who worship an ancient alien race called the Guevissa as creator gods mostly since they know they were created by the Guevissa (before they got wiped out) who were in turn created by an even older race. The Lothrians believe that it is their duty to continue this line of creation and that once they have reached a certain point, their race will also be destroyed leaving the Norruks they have made to continue the cycle over again.

As it stand right now, the Lothrian's process of creating the Norruks have only just started recently meaning that they still have a while until their "Reckoning" comes. Being heavily focused into science and research (and being the former subject race of an even more advanced race), they have some pretty serious tech behind them. However, they lack any real military in the traditional sense with most of their weapons being converted industrial tools and their warships old research vessels with guns.[/indent]

[indent]Lothrians are a humanoid species whose average height ranges from 5 feet 8 inches to that of 6 feet 7 inches. Their tall bodies slender and graceful if not a bit lanky with many joints that possess hypermobility and very dexterous hands. Naturally, Lothrians are a rather pale race with skin tones that go from a ghostly white to a bright marble with hair being of similar silvery platinum color although a fiery crimson hair color can also be seen providing quite a stark contrast. Their other most defining feature are pointed ears.

The nervous system of the Lothrians is much more refined and sensitive than that of a human's which gives them excel fine motor controls and hand-eye coordination at the cost of feeling pain more acutely. Like humans, they have red, iron-based blood however they have shorter gestation periods than humans (at about 4 months) and can live up to well over a century and still be kicking around pretty actively at age 100. There is very little natural evolution in the Lothrin genome as they are creations of science born roughly 3000 years ago. Unlike almost all other races in the galaxy, they both know when they are expected to die out and also accept it, seeing it as just "part of the cycle of life" which they know.[/indent]

[indent]Majulua is the Lothrian homeworld with very little natural ecosystems left as the entire world is a densely built up technological urban hiveworld the Lothrians inherited from their creators. The planet is full of history from the Guevissa and several other "generations" of races who had created the one after them. The entire surface of the planet is covered in some sort of urban industry or housing often building on top of each other in layers. With dozens of layers, it should be no surprise that there are other "settlements" both in the sky in floating artificial islands and in orbit as satellite colonies. However, the most impressive and easily recognizable feature of the planet is its "Iron Halo", a massive orbital shipyard and industrial complex that stretches half way around the planet's equator, connected to the ground through several "World Anchor" space elevators.[/indent]





[indent][h3]Ground Forces[/h3]

[indent]The Lorthians's fleet is rather special in a way as its ships are almost entirely of civilian design, retrofitted with military weapons and equipment. All ships once had a past life of freighters, explorers, research or transport vessels and many still do carry out their secondary roles.

[hider=Auroa-Class Corvette]

[hider=Mosaic-Class Frigate]

[hider=Explorer-Class Frigate]

[hider=Herald-Class Destroyer]

[hider=Chariot-Class Carrier]

[hider=Celestial-Class Cruiser]

[hider=Valiance-Class Heavy Cruiser]
