The colour drained from Donald’s face as his jaw clenched, clearly not expecting to be on the receiving end of such back talk from a dainty woman who was staring down a man of his reputation. “You’ve a cheeky mouth, girl, won’t be sayin’ too much when you’re choking on my cock.” He said tersely, gesturing for the unnamed goon to go stop the manager. “Riley, my boy, keep the good man who runs this shithole busy for a moment, would you? I don’t fancy being inter-” he said, turning for a moment to address the younger gang member, likely a new recruit to replace the Adder’s losses. The momentary distraction was all Shay needed, grabbing his table knife in one hand and his glass in the other, Shay lept up from his seat, driving the knife into Jonathan’s collarbone and smashing the tumbler of whiskey aside Donald’s head as he leapt onto the man, driving hard fists repeatedly into the man’s face. Johnathan reached into his coat, presumably for a gun, prompting Shay thrust upwards with his legs, shoulder checking the man in the gut, winding him. “Vera, go!” Shay shouted as Donald grabbed him from behind, getting Shay into a choke hold that he attempted to break out of by driving his elbow into the Adder boss’ flank repeatedly. Meanwhile, the store manager was being pursued back into the kitchen to keep him from getting to the phone, a Lebel revolver now in hand. “Easy, I-ties, this is business. Stay the fuck away from the receiver and we won’t have a problem, yeah?” Riley threatened, waving the gun around authoritatively.