[i] “Vera go!” [/i] Within a split second, she bolted for the rear of [i]The Spirit of Tuscany[/i], and dashed for the kitchen just like Shay had said. She burst through the swinging double doors, just in time to see one of Donald's men harassing the owner with a brandished pistol. "Hey!" He shouted, whirling about just in time to see her come through the doors, but Vera was quick on her feet, and slipped through the bodies of the cooks and wait staff, shoving anyone and anything in her path to the side. She broke free, bursting through the back door and into the alley way with such energy, she had a difficult time stopping herself from crashing into the opposing brick wall. No one could stop her as she recovered from the near collision, and while her first initial reaction was to run straight home, she ran the opposite direction, running blind into the night. Awash with fear and concerned that at any moment one of the Adders would catch her, and force her to wait for Donald, she kept her legs pumping like pistons in an engine, and for once, she was thankful for the alcohol in her system, because while her outer-extremities were numb, as was her face, she felt an overwhelming amount of warmth flood her system, though that could be attributed to the fear coursing through her veins. Suddenly her feet shot out from beneath her and her hands outstretched to take the brunt of the fall, she gave a short cry before scrambling to her feet. She had no time to check herself for injuries, so she bolted headlong again, swearing over the fact that she had left her coat behind as the frigid air bit through the silk fabric. Maybe she had been a little cheeky, maybe she had said the wrong thing, but dammit, she wasn't going to let some vile man gloat over her during her dinner with Shay. How far, and for how long she ran, Vera didn't know. The orange glow of the street lamps became menacing in their black, towering shapes, as they called attention to her, illuminating her very existence, and giving her presence away to the world that watched, if they watched. Snow continued to fall in heavy, wet flakes, snuffing out any noise save for the sound of her breathing. Vera found herself turning off the street and into a darkened park, much like the one near her new flat, but with more trees, here she made for cover. Her chest heaved from the sting of the cold air, and she came to rest against an oak tree, concealed in a veil of black shadows. Immediately, her thoughts went to Shay, and she began to panic. How long would she stay out here? When could she go back to her flat? What of Shay? Was he ok? Was he hurt? Had he escaped like her? Was he searching for her? An overwhelming amount of fear, and dread filled her heart. Not before long, a cascade of hot tears spilled down her frozen cheeks. Wiping them away with the palms of her hands, Vera forced herself to be silent as she laid a trembling hand over her mouth to quiet her sobs and to hinder the sound of her own breathing. She listened intently for any sign of the Adders. She stood, shivering in the shadow of the oak tree, praying for Shay. Praying that he wasn't hurt, and praying that he would find her in time. She didn't know what to do next, except to hide, and to run if danger found her. Being without her .38 revolver left her feeling vulnerable. She had felt safe in Shay’s presence, that he would protect her from all threats, but this…was unexpected, and she could only blame herself for leaving it behind.