[hr][hr] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Lr0gBVa.png[/img] [hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/xYKmI37.png[/img] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/db3490d90bdc9bf4fb5ce8694d40e16a/tumblr_nu5yqmogCR1tv4dd1o1_500.gif[/img] [hr][b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Outside Delirium [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Bouncers, people in line. [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] Happy & Excited → Suspicious → Teasing[/center][hr] Lucas Farweight felt home as anyone ever could in New York City. Manhattan was and will be forever the place to be for him. At the epicenter of its greatness were many things. Among it, was Delirium. The club that received legendary status from him. He rarely visited but was received with open arms and the ability to cut the line like some celebrity. That alone was a reason to enter to have a party there. But it was only the beginning, the sound, the people, the drinks. You could smell the sins in every room. From lust to greed to sloth. Everything was peaceful but no-one was at peace. This was a place of demons and nobody could claim to be a victim once they pass the threshold. So when Lucas was passing the waiting line he was literally skipping a step. He came alone, not caring to meet up with his friends first. They’d find him, or he would be found. Tonight, like any night in Delirium would be a night of not caring. A night of no trouble. For once, he refused his current situation to have a hold over him. With all worries left at Mayweather, he arrived at the two big bouncers of Delirium. Lucas had no idea if Nico or Jimmy had any superpowers. He never saw them use anything. So far, that never was required. Only once did he see them throw a guy out. Until then he never thought the saying could be applied literally. But Nico and Jimmy gave the guy some free flying lessons, right before he hit the street face first. The two were stone-faced, but Lucas counted them among his acquaintances. [color=662d91]“Jimmy! Nico! How are my two favorite gorillas?”[/color] They just grumped at him. Probably disliking the comparison. Lucas believed it was a good one, but he only said it to tease. He outstretched his hand, shaking both the bouncers’. [color=662d91]“So, anything special already lined up for tonight?”[/color] Lucas asked curiously. Nico and Jimmy looked at each other. Clearly doubting if they should speak. Lucas assumed that Gianna had something lined up. Maybe a karaoke like on her birthday last year. He actually couldn’t remember what he sang exactly but he’d swear the entire room was laughing or clapping. He’d kill to relive that night, but then again, he’d kill to relive any night at Delirium. But it never starts out the way it ends. That was the power of Delirium. Gianna’s birthday party didn’t start as a karaoke. But it sure as hell ended like one. At Delirium, you don’t know what’s going to happen. After every shady spot, there is a surprise. From every shadowy corner, something could jump you. So as the bouncers were doubtfully looking at each other, Lucas decided to cut in: [color=662d91]“You know what, just don’t tell me. It is Delirium after all. No plan survives first contact. Now, I’m going to guess I’m on the list, right? Could I go in?”[/color] the last part was asked respectfully. Despite being an asshole sometimes, Lucas knew what respect was and to who to give it. Jimmy nodded without even checking the list, and Nico opened up the small rope-gate to let him in. Much to the annoyance of the line. Whom were nearly all male. [b]“C’mon man! You can’t do that! I’m on the list too!”[/b] the one in front of the line said. Lucas perched his ears and made a 90° turn on his heel. He marched straight at the guy and asked: [color=662d91]“If you’re on the list, you would be inside already.”[/color] He said it with a nice smile, but it was clear that nothing about those words were meant to comfort. [b]“Hey man, I’m on the list, okay? Leopold –euhm- Turner. Yeah.”[/b] The kid, about 19, wasn’t particularly convincing. With questioning eyes, he looked at the kid. [color=662d91]“Leopold… Turner.”[/color] He repeated, looking at Nico. Who just shook his head. Lucas turned back to the kid waiting. [color=662d91]“I actually know Leo.”[/color] He saw the kid suddenly getting anxious. [color=662d91]“Yeah, yeah I do. Big fellow. About 35 with a kid now I think. Yeah, yeah, I remember. You know he once knocked a guy unconscious because he was flirting with his wife. Well, he bought her a drink really. Didn’t slip anything in it even. Good old Leo would have slipped it. But yeah, no. The kid had to wink. Next thing he was on the floor. Blood running from his nose. Judging from the angle, I’d say it was broken. He was lucky, actually. Leo hit him with his left.”[/color] He made the story on the fly, really. There was no doubt this kid just grabbed a semi-important name from the internet and tried to wave it around at bars, hoping to get in. But right now he looked positively terrified. [color=662d91]“You know.”[/color] Lucas grabbed the kid by the front of his shirt and pulled him closer. [color=662d91]“If I see Leo, I’ll tell him some punk ass kid tried to impersonate him. I want to see what a right hook does to someone’s face.”[/color] The kid wrestled himself free but only because Lucas let him. He and his jock buddies started moving back in the line, trying to get away. While Lucas waved them goodbye with a wicked grin. Until Nico literally held open the door, letting the blue flashing lights and the loud music out. While saying: “Mr. Farweight. Please.” It wasn’t a request. The bouncers probably didn’t like it either that someone was raising hell at the lines. With a nod, he went to the entrance. Feeling the wave of heat, music, and smell as he passed the doors. Yes, tonight would be a night he’d never forget.