[i] “If this is heaven, I wasn't expecting the angels to be so beautiful.”[/i] Rousing at the sound of his voice, pale blue eyes flickered opened, to the soft-hued light of early morning poked through the cracks from the curtains over the window. It took her a brief moment to realize [i]why[/i] she had awoken in the first place. There, staring back at her with a smile on his lips, was a very much awake, and alive, Shay. She pushed herself up immediately into a seated position as a smile crossed her lips, sheer joy emanated from her being despite her frazzled appearance; the pins that had secured her dark-brown mane of curls in place had come loose, as her curls now stuck out every which way. “Shay!” She cried.Throwing herself atop him, with her head resting on his chest and her arms draped over him in an embrace, holding fast to him “I thought you were dead! Oh god! I was so scared, Shay, I didn't think you would come to.” She said. A burning sensation filled her eyes, and before she had the chance to blink away her tears, they ran down in tiny rivulets from the corners of her eyes. Her face turned red as she sat up with great haste, the back of her hands wiping away what she could. As she tried to make herself proper, she noted the drops of tears that had fallen onto his exposed flesh, to which she quickly wiped away with her fingers. “I'm so sorry, Shay. Here, let me fetch you something to drink! Your shoulder must be in a lot of pain.” She offered as she scrambled from the bed, disappearing into the hallway. Returning moments later, in her hands she carried a dinner platter laden with a whiskey bottle, a tumbler, a pitcher full of water, and another glass in which to pour the water. As she set the tray down on the nightstand beside Shay, she poured him both a glass of whiskey, and a glass of water. There, she sat close to him on the edge of the bed, and offered up the refreshments to him. In a fragile voice she spoke, “I called Sam. He said he would send a doctor over to see how bad your injury is. Shay…” She hesitated at the threat of tears, and brought her hand to cover her mouth as a sob escaped. “Shay, I'm so sorry. This...this was all my fault. If I hadn't been such a fool with my words, this wouldn't have happened to you.” Her head turned so as to conceal the anguish she felt within, but her hands curled into white-knuckles fists that rested on her knees.