[hider=House Bolton WIP][CENTER][img]http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/88541c22-658f-4754-a1b3-1c15f721cfbd/97b80a31-cf54-4026-94d2-376b85722127.jpg[/img]

[h1][COLOR=salmon]House Bolton of the Dreadfort[/COLOR][/h1][/CENTER]

House Description: The Boltons are an ancient and powerful noble house from the North best known for their cunning and cruelty. They can trace their lineage to shortly after the Long Night when they ruled in their own right as the Red Kings of the Dreadfort, and were the primary rivals to the Kings of Winter, the Starks of Winterfell. Their lands stretched from the Last River and the White Knife to the Sheepshead Hills, though it's possible that they held dominion over even more significant parts of the North as well. During this time, the Boltons would attain a sinister reputation, largely due to their practice of flaying their enemies alive, including several Stark Kings. This would become so prominent within the House that they would even emblazon it upon their sigil. The Boltons would formally become vassals to House Stark until Rogar the Huntsman bent the knee to Theon Stark. Shortly after, the Boltons would prove critical to expelling the Andal Invaders, establishing the North as the only remaining kingdom of First Men.

All in all, Bolton lands are quite extensive, consisting mostly of plains, but forests, hills, and rivers can all be easily found. Within these lands, lies the center of all Bolton power- the mighty Dreadfort. With its thick black stone walls, massive towers, and incredibly sharp triangular merlons, it is an intimidating fortress. It is perhaps the strongest castle in all of the North, as evidenced by the fact that it took King Harlon Stark nearly two years to starve the Dreadfort out during one of the Boltons' prior rebellions. It sits overlooking the Weeping Water, its dark walls barring entry to all unless the Lord Bolton wills it. All the same, the fortress is ill-omened, due to it's extensive dungeons and rumors of a great torture chamber that many enter and few return from, and the possible existence of a room where the Boltons hang the skins of the men that they flay. 

Recent History: When the Dance of the Dragons broke out within the Seven Kingdoms, Lord Royce Bolton had no actual preference between the Greens or the Blacks, nor any actual care over who sat upon the Iron Throne. However, when Lord Cregan Stark chose to side with the Blacks, and called the banners, House Bolton was obligated to answer that call, although Lord Royce only sent the very minimum of his own men to not raise suspicion, while keeping the majority of his levy at the Dreadfort should an opportunity arise due to the civil war. He made his uncle Arnell Karstark the castellan of the Dreadfort, and left his young Umber wife behind while she was newly with child as he personally led his forces to merge with the main Stark force near Moat Cailin. 

Aside from Lord Roderick Dustin's Winter Wolves, the Northern host would march through the Riverlands completely unmolested by enemy forces, but grew in strength by joining with the Rivermen forces. Their intent was that of laying siege to King's Landing itself, but King Aegon II's sudden death by poisoned wine would deny them of any opportunity for glory. Despite Cregan Stark's prior affiliation with the Blacks, he became enraged over what he perceived of the dishonorable killing of Aegon II, and pushed for justice over the slaying of the king. The newly crowned king, Aegon III (and last remaining son of Rhaenyra Targaryen) had little choice but to raise Cregan Stark to Hand of the King, due to the presence of the massive Northern host. As Lord Stark ordered the roundup of suspects to the murder of the previous King, Lord Royce Bolton advised a more thorough purge of former Green supporters in King's Landing, and to fill the seats of the small council and other prominent positions with Northern bannermen, to take proper advantage of the power vacuum caused by the civil war. Otherwise, Lord Bolton foresaw chaos breaking out during Aegon III's minority, with different factions vying for supremacy amidst the disorder. Not only would Northern guidance stabilize the realm after the grueling civil war, but allow them to reap the benefits that is always associated with rule. Lord Stark, however, was already tired of the snake pit that was King's Landing, disregarded the advice of Lord Bolton, and proceeded with the trials of the accused as planned.

Despite the disagreement, Lord Bolton would be one of the men that oversaw the trials of the men accused of regicide. Once the trials came to an end, Lord Bolton joined with Lord Stark to head back to the North. He had been offered a place among the newly established regency council, but declined due to his view of the inefficiency of such a council, as well as the stretched influence that he would possess while so far from home without any direct support from his liege lord. He never truly held any interest in what happens below the Neck, and only suggested asserting Northern control of King's Landing due to the rewards that could be had, and with news of the birth of his first child, Belthasar, he determined that it would be the best course of action to resume his rule over the Dreadfort.

In the years following the Dance, Lord Royce Bolton's rule has been nothing but peaceful, offering the Starks no reason to complain or find issue. More importantly, Lord Royce's long and prudent rule has placed House Bolton in the best position politically that it has seen in years, hosting extremely close ties with the Karstarks, Umbers, and growing relations with other minor houses. Despite House Bolton's current successes, this doesn't prevent a certain disturbing feeling that perpetually emanates from their lands, only to be further flamed by continual rumors of the supposed dark deeds of the heir to the Dreadfort, Belthasar Bolton.

[B][color=salmon][u]Important Characters[/u][/color][/B][list]

[*][B]Lord Royce Bolton[/B], The cold and pragmatic lord of the Dreadfort, 56
[*][B]Belthasar Bolton[/B], Eldest son and heir to the Dreadfort, widely known for his savage behavior and tendencies, 26
[*][B]Roderik Snow[/B]
[*][B]Maron Bolton[/B], Third and youngest son of Lord Royce Bolton, he seems to lack the same qualities as most Boltons, and instead is known for his bravery, determination, and daring, 8
[*][B]Ser Jasper "Crookjaw" Whitehill[/B], Long-serving master-at-arms of the Dreadfort, large and formidable, known for the ever-present scowl on his face.
[*][B]Silent Tom[/B], The kennelmaster at the Dreadfort whose tongue was removed by Lord Royce Bolton.
[*][B]Smiling Dick[/B], A Bolton man-at-arms widely known for his frightening skill with the many different kinds of knives that he keeps on his person at all times. He can slice a man's throat before he even has time to pull his sword out of its scabbard.
[*][B]Worm[/B], A stableboy that Lord Royce paired with his young son Maron. He's fiercely devoted to his young lord, and always seems to be near him, no matter the situation.[/list]

[Hider=Lord Royce Bolton]


Age: 56

Appearance: With pale, white skin and pale blue eyes, Royce Bolton has always unnerved lesser men by just being within their presence. This is only magnified by this icy demeanor, proving that he is not subject to the same emotions of other men. All those who meet the Lord of the Dreadfort are instantly aware of his cold and calculating nature, and the realization of the terrible fate that will await them if they ever attempted to cross him. Despite lacking the size or stature, he still manages to easily intimidate others with his presence alone, and he's certainly not a man to make senseless japes about. There's no doubt that he holds within a thousand different horrible secrets, all of which are better left hidden behind his cold exterior.

Bio: Royce Bolton was the only child born to Lord Rogar Bolton and his Karstark wife, who had only lived a few years after his birth before she succumbed to a supposed illness. His father barely fared better when a hunting incident took his life before Royce's tenth nameday. The halls of the Dreadfort was hardly the best place for any boy to grow up in, much less a young lord, but he was a Bolton, and there was nowhere better suited for him. The dungeons beneath the Dreadfort were vast, but usually strangely empty, something that would slowly change during the length of Royce's reign. Many men would soon find themselves within the bowels of the Dreadfort, and a few are always added to the ranks, while the rest are doomed to meet a far more grisly fate.

No doubt, the Dreadfort has always seemed to attract the dredges of the North, probably due to the horrible reputation that the Dreadfort has always possessed. Anywhere else, these men would most likely be carted away to the wall, and of the few that actually leave the dungeons, it isn't surprising to see them being added as soldiers or man-at-arms, guarding the very gates that they had once been dragged into in chains. One would normally question the loyalty of such men, but all seem to be completely submissive to the Boltons, nearly to the point of devotion, possibly a byproduct of what they experienced in the in the torture chambers of the Dreadfort. 

Former rapists, murderers, thieves, and more were the sort of lot that Lord Bolton had to contend with whilst growing up, as all other Boltons generally do, and it's probably quite strange when compared to the rest of Westeros with the sons of nobility growing up in lavish luxury. Eerily enough, Royce Bolton thrived in this setting, eventually building off the teachings of such horrible men to become the man that he is today. A man that makes most he meets uncomfortable and uncertain when in their company, but also one that has kept the usual stirrings in Bolton lands to a minimum.

As a youth, he did squire for a long-dead Karstark at Karhold, further expanding his knowledge of swordsmanship and horsemanship, and was considered quite skillful at both at the time, but was never one to be even remotely interested in seeking out glory. He was much more focused on ruling his land cold and effectively, already garnering such a reputation among the other Northern lords at such a young age. Soon enough, the Dance of the Dragons would begin, in which Royce would briefly participate in, as was his duty as a bannerman to House Stark. Like most of the other lords of the North, he would see no fighting in this conflict, but was later selected to help oversee the trials that were organized to determine the innocence of those accused of conspiring to kill King Aegon II. Soon after, he would return to the Dreadfort.

As the years have gone by, Royce has become a lord that gives much attention to that of his realm, mostly now in his older age, as he spends equal time traveling throughout Bolton lands, finding new interest in hobbies like hunting and ice fishing. Perhaps his habit of surveying his lands is a constant dread to the lesser houses sworn to the Boltons, but none have the luxury to complain about it, nor the gull to do so. Beyond this, he is often called to counsel the Starks of Winterfell over certain matters, and is usually the first to arrive and leave, never one to overstay his welcome.

As of yet, he has been married multiple times, but it seems that most women simply don't agree well with the Dreadfort, with his last wife dying soon after birthing his youngest son. Ever since, he hasn't remarried, seeing little cause or desire to do so, though he's a man always willing to form a quick alliance if the conditions are right. It could easily be said that cold pragmatism seems to rule supreme over the Dreadfort with stunning efficiency.[/hider]

[hider=Belthasar Bolton]


Age: 26

Appearance: He has the pale skin and look of a Bolton, though most consider him to be more handsome than his father was at his age. His pale blue eyes only seem to add to the killing intent that emanates off of him when he's in the midst of one of his many horrible activities. Accompanied with his black hair, he has a sort of an otherworldly appeal that has attracted many young ladies to him, much to the horror of their fathers. On top of this, he seems to have become quite skilled at hiding his true nature behind a charming smile while in the company of others, which may be the reason why all the rumors of him have only remained rumors.

Bio:Many say that no child is born with evil intentions, so perhaps Belthasar is an exception. Even as a young boy, it has seemed that Belthasar has always had some kind of strange fascination with pain and suffering, first dealing it out the poor Bolton hunting hounds, much to the annoyance of the kennelmaster. It was hardly long before his own father took notice of this, which was slightly odd, for a man who generally cared little for his own children. Belthasar intrigued Lord Bolton, who believed his son was wasting his good talents on worthless dogs, and refocused his urges and desires onto much more practical things. That would be the day that his father would grant him his own flaying knife.

It had felt so natural in his hand- just the right amount of weight, heft, and sharpness. It would be many long days and nights, having his own father teach him how to properly skin the wildlife that the huntsmen always seemed to bring in. His father taught him that it wasn't mere coincidence that their house had a flayed man upon their banners. If you could not flawlessly skin a dead animal, then the art of flaying a man alive would be lost to you. Despite adhering to the method of flaying that his father had thought him early on, he'd later forego it for his own- one that would leave the flesh in clumps on the floor, and causes the greatest amount of pain imaginable, which only further fuels Belthasar's darker urges.

Due to his Belthasar's savage tendencies, and his lord father's desire to keep his Bel's true nature hidden from the rest of the realm, Lord Royce would eventually decide against sending his son to ward with another lord, and over all such training to the master-at-arms at the Dreadfort. His way of swordsmanship was ruthless and unforgiving, with the young boy barely lasting for any length of time during the beginning of his training. Soon enough, much like flaying, Belthasar would develop his own style of swordplay, basing much of it on his innate savagery. His strikes would appear to come from nowhere, with such a ferocity that he'd cut most men into pieces. 

As he grew older, Belthasar would indulge himself in more ways than ever before, and much more openly, to his father's chagrin. Soon enough, there were rumors floating all over the North telling stories of Belthasar having lowborn girls taken from villages only for him to set his hounds upon them just so he could watch them be torn apart in a bloody fashion. Others whisper of him tearing out the intestines of prisoners with his bare hands and let them fumble about with their innards before falling over dead. Many other stores of this nature float around, but there's no concrete evidence, as Lord Bolton has his bastard, Rodrik Snow to clean up anything that could see his eldest son hang. Such continued actions by Belthasar have worn down the patience of Lord Bolton, and may be the reason why he remarried and sired his second trueborn son, Maron.

Belthasar either seems oblivious or disinterested in the reputation that he has made for himself, fully expressing his sadistic nature at nearly every opportunity, and proves that if you ever cross paths with Belthasar Bolton, you will just become a part of his sick games.[/hider]

[hider=Maron Bolton]


Age: 8

Appearance: Not so as pale as his brothers, and having the brown hair of his mother's house, Maron still has the same pale blue eyes as his father, though instead of being cold and uncaring, they are filled with courage and daring. 

Bio: Lord Royce always considered his Ryswell wife and Maron's mother as a timid and weak woman, and he long felt that his youngest son to be cut from from the same cloth, though as the years go by, it's clear that Maron is a much stronger boy than previously thought. For such a boy to survive within halls often occupied with rapists and murderers is certainly impressive, and his father hasn't been as interested by something to this extent since Maron's elder brother Belthasar, and that was for far different reasons. He has the same pale blue eyes that all Boltons have, but instead of sending chills through other men, it seems to possess an unprecedented strength, determination, and free spirit. Perhaps foreshadowing future greatness?

Despite his young age, those sworn to the Boltons have quickly learned that despite how different Maron is to the rest of his family, he's definitely not the weaker for it, and that's been completely clear since a very young age. When he often practices his swordsmanship with the master-at-arms, managing to even impress. He cares little for the dungeons, disliking the many horrible things that happen within in them, and already detests his brother who so greatly enjoys them, though he practically worships his bastard brother, Rodrik Snow. Of course, this doesn't stop him from exploring every nook and cranny of the ancient fortress.

Therefore, it isn't out of question for Maron to spend time alone or with Worm- a pathetic stable boy that his father introduced to young Maron for company. Worm is mostly submissive and barely possesses his own independent personality, but having him around seems to sometimes alleviate a bit of the loneliness that occasionally plagues the young boy. It isn't uncommon for the two to be off on some kind of adventure together, though it is always initiated by Maron, since Worm lacks the willpower to really act upon anything on his own. One of the common sights within the Dreadfort is Maron dragging Worm into some sort of adventure.

[hider=Rodrik Snow]


Age: 20


