This RP is focused on a story where bombs have been dropped over Greenland, both Americas, Russia, and Africa, four RPs will all be tied into one, all the RPs will take place in the selected bombed areas, this one takes place in the main place, Greenland, the snowfall has been drastically increased, the same goes with the temperature, it is so cold that you need to wear your clothing and several heating pads along with around five blankets placed together to get warmth at night, inside of a house, creatures are roaming the snowy desert (I say desert because it can be either sand or snow) along with cannibals and mutants, the whole place is a slaughter fest, you and many other people are stuck in this harsh place, all water and air transports to other countries are cut off, there is no land travel due to Greenland being its own body of land, have fun.

The place is just a charred mess, all of these animals are dangerous, creepy too, it's super hot, and the sandstorms are like, everyday, they are very fierce too, starvation and dehydration is common and the mutants are just taking it for themselves in their own cheaty way, nobody enjoys this, it's the opposite of what happened to Greenland (minus mutants and death) this is a terrible place to take refuge,
except the resistance, this place is housing the main resistance base, a huge, public scraptown, that is made to help people in the harsh wasteland, you might be thinking "What are they resisting?" well, they are resisting the NCC (Nuclear Corruption Clearing) a team of militaristic bastards running around looting everything and stealing it out of everyone's hands and killing everyone who has been effected by a virus, radiation, or any form of sickness caused by nuclear fallout, nobody enjoys them other then themselves.

No godmodding
APTK always (RTK is needed, there also needs to be build up before the death of the targeted opponent)
APTSK always (The same goes for this as APTK)
No HF or HF(InsertElementHere) though it is possible to find one due to the advanced technology, it is forbidden to find or use one.
Stuff characters do must be humanly possible (excluding mutants)
You need some sort of heated or bundled clothing during the day, or else you'd die of hypothermia (The opposite for Africa)
You'd probably understand everything by now, this is not a type war RP, this is turn based to due having to type a good amount of words before posting, multiple actions per turn is permitted always for any person/character