big "HELL NO!" From me.

Not cause of the character number limitation (though it breaks my heart to think of who I'd have to let go) but simply because... Bloody hell I don't want to have to redo the whole choosing /again/. Nor do I think we should rush through the scene, simply for the sake of character development. But. I've role played that scene out three times in some form or another and I /really/ don't want to have to do it again. I'd sooner stick with the batch we have now at the "nearly dead" pace we have now.

I apologize for how much I've been holding things up but I don't want to have to quadruple post in rapid succession. If you guys would rather I do that I can promise more regular posts... It's /much/ easier to set aside time to write for one than it is for six. I'm willing to change how I structure posts if you all want.

Buuuut I digress. Bottom line: If this goes to another reboot from the beginning, I will likely not be rejoining. And if it does go to reboot... Anyone who would want to continue this iteration in a small group RP (focusing on just the interactions of one set of characters, no doubles), feel free to PM me and we'll work something out.