[quote=@Keyguyperson] "Fucking Neo-Soviets. They're a bunch of revisionist LARPers who like the color red. I'll bet they even have markets!" -Terran Union, probably. "That goddamned revisionist Terran Union and their religious freedom! How can they call themselves if the willingly take the opiate of the masses? They're literally Social Democrats!" -Neo-Soviets, probably. "Fully automated luxury gay space communism is the only way to go." -The Federation, Probably. "Fucking lower races." -Romans, probably. "Fuck you, Romans." -Everyone except for space North Korea, which is too busy incorporating quotes from the Roman emperor into their ideology to remember that communism isn't supposed to be fascism. Now we just need some space Chinese who practice "socialism with galactic characteristics". [/quote] "What are you doing in my [s]swamp[/s] nebula?" - Zap-hanz