[@Nightknight][@Supertinyking][@Tyki] [center][h2] - Strike Squad - [/h2][/center] The space marines seemed unbothered by the security. They had expected nothing less, and in fact a truly unprotected location would have made them all suspicious. "By law, all sentient creatures have a right to freedom, and protection form harm. You will be forgiven if you break the law upon entering the Imperium, as you are a newcomer, but such activities would need to end immediately. Nonsentient creatures are free to be experimented on, provided your experiments do not break the Kolon Act." Amon spoke in near monotone, as if he had rehearsed the statement. Which he very nearly had. Over the years statements such as this had become routine, as quite often it was the Dark Angels who had the task of finding and informing potential new members, as well as escorting them into Imperium lands. "As for the explosions.... that area is home to an incredibly volatile supernatural phenomenon. It's exact nature is classified, but the explosions you see cover an area over 100 km in diameter, and never stop." Amon shrugged, which was an impressive feat considering the size of his shoulderpads. He discussed the nuclear holocaust in a way most would describe the weather. Stranger things had happened, and continued to occur. "More importantly, we are going to need the information discussed in your broadcast. If this is indeed a matter of global importance, then urgency is of import, and the sooner we possess this information the sooner we can evacuate you from this area." Amon glanced over at the unfading explosive lightshow in the distance. "To set up a base this close to the Quarantined area is dangerous, and prohibited. While there is no indication of it spreading, we need to get this data safely away." Again, it would also be safe from other factions. Meanwhile, Remus looked Vulga over. The figure hadn't lied, that much the Librarian was certain of. But some elements struck him as being off. For one, this figure was like a hole in the Warp. He possessed no presence, no aura. Not in the sense of a Blank, who were like a tear in reality, a horrifying presence to psykers such as himself. Instead it was as if there was nothing there. The easiest solution was that this was a hologram, or a robot, but even those things had some mild reflection in the warp. It was unprecedented for something to just not show up. And this being had claimed to be from Infernum, a word no doubt based on Infernal. And that meant nothing good. That wasn't the kind of word you put in the name of nice, friendly colonies. "You speak the truth. You are free to come with us, but we will take charge of the situation. The information will be transported to the Imperium. If it is of importance it will be shared across the globe." Remus spoke with certainty, as if he had nothing to fear. He was a Librarian, after all. He also didn't trust this individual, and made sure to keep at the ready for any kind of betrayal. The Devastator Marines, however, lowered their weapons as they moved on. They followed Squad Beta, with Squad Delta moving in a parallel street, scouting out for alternate threats and other factions, as well as providing an alternate angle of attack should something go wrong. Then, the station exploded. It was a rather impressive spectacle, and the marines immediately prepared their weapons as a strange-looking creature emerged from the wreckage. Squad Alpha moved forward, shielding Martin with their bulk as they raised their weaponry, ready to charge should it be necessary. Squad Alpha stayed back, with Remus gathering Warp energy around him as heavy weaponry was aimed and prepped. Squad Delta meanwhile moved away out of sight, aiming to move behind the creature in order to attack it if it turned out to be a threat. Several sniper rifles were aimed. "Xenos! Identify yourself!" Bravely, Amon stepped forward, ensuring that Martin was well protected behind the line of warriors. "If this is an attack, know that you declare war against the New Imperium." The old imperium would have already declared war by this stage, but practises had become more forgiving in recent years. Although this place was certainly odd, problems tended to be more diplomatically approachable than they had been back in their home universe.