[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnHmskwqCCQ]Then let us honor the memory of the furry space communist with fitting music that I propose be the athemn of the Neo-Sovs.[/url] [/quote] ....More fitting then I'd like to admit. To lay it all out: The comment Key made about the Neo-Sov's being LARPers who liked red would sting. Partially because it's true, to an extent. Their adaptation of communism sprang from a weird conservative streak, considering just how far the AI and the "aristocrats" went. While communism is often represented as the wave of the future-the Neo-Sov's adopted it during their revolution as a way of harkening back to the past in a sense. In a sense it was *very* reactionary. They're terrified of the new horizons space travel, technology, the like, represents, because they've seen it abused horribly before. Hence the adaptation of communism-and their insistence on trying to mirror the old soviet system despite the reality not really being like it at all. They're trying to use the past-the USSR, as a shield against what they view as the terrifying possibilities of the present. The Romans and the Feddies [i]really[/i] freak them out, understandably. ... So. Yes. Alot of contradictions that make Yakaty Sax somewhat fitting.