[quote=@Leidenschaft] Vurwe still has to bump into Jorwen Also! Farid's fate is being decided amongst the Senior Officers of the Company. They will ultimately give Farid a choice between paying Ashav blood price for Orakh or disputing it and fighting Ashav's champion. We have two choices- One of you guys volunteers, and their fate is decided by a (generous) dice roll. If they win, they are given a tidy lump sum of gold. -OR- If no one wants to volunteer their character, a dice roll will decide between Cleftjaw and Cilo stepping up and fighting. It'll be a little less fun, as the drama then is only really foisted upon two PCs, instead of the rest of you rooting and cheering for one of your fellow PCs. [/quote] I will volunteer Leif! After Sevine, he's feeling a bit more brash. Unless anyone else cares to volunteer?