[hider=Leonard Ford of Krieg-Königreich] [center][h2][color=Royalblue]Leonard Ford of Krieg-Königreich[/color][/h2] [img]http://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/film/cinderella/richard-madden-1500-xlarge.jpg[/img] [sub][i]"War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend."[/i]-[b]J.R.R. Tolkien[/b][/sub][/center] [indent]Leonard Jaegar Fords[/indent] [b][u]Nickname:[/u][/b]Leon [b][u]Birth date and age:[/u][/b] March, 12, 17. [b][u]Sexuality:[/u][/b] Heterosexual [b][u]In Depth Appearance:[/u][/b] Leon is 6'1" with dirty blond hair and blue eyes. He is very muscular and his face is always clean shaven and hair trim. He usually looks very stern and serious, but when there is no nobility from his kingdom around he can be seen with the goofiest grin around. The way he moves and looks just screams royalty because his father literally beat it into him leaving a few scars across his legs and back. No bruises or anything on his face or hands. He must be 'presentable'. [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] [center][u]• Brave • Courageous • Brash • [/u][/center] Leon would have everyone believe that he cares for nothing other than being a ruler. That is only because it is who his father is. Ever since Leon was a small child his father taught him that they should take survival of the fittest into their own hands. His mother, however, taught him love and compassion. Yet, if Leon exhibited the things taught by his mother in public he'd be beaten by his father. So, the boy decided that he would make himself appear to just be a mirror image of his father when in reality he was kind and caring. Rarely would anyone be able to see this side of him for his father had the whole kingdom under his control. Yet, through Leon's actions people slowly have begun to look up to him as their true leader. Leon desires to be a king that helps his people. He still knows that his kingdom's way of life cannot be changed though. He puts up with war and participates merely so that one day he can hopefully end it all. [b][u]Likes:[/u][/b] [list][*]Training [*]Battle Strategy [*]Discussing Politics [*]Proving people wrong [*]Discussing philosophy [*]Sweets of any kind[/list] [b][u]Dislikes:[/u][/b] [list][*]When people consider him a warmongering person [*]War itself [*]His father [*]Seeing someone put unnecessarily into harms way [*]Those who judge off of first impressions or through what they've heard[/list] [b][u]Fears:[/u][/b] [list][*]War [*]Leading his people to their deaths [*]The deaths of his closest friends[/list] [b][u]Biography:[/u][/b] Leon is the oldest of his father's children and therefore the heir. His whole life his father has prepared and bred him to be a warring king. Within the land that Leon calls home there are many smaller kingdoms surrounding the one he resides in as well as numerous amounts of terrorist organizations. I suppose that is what can happen when the current power came to be by military coup. Many years ago within the area that these kingdoms preside there use to only be one. However, a horrible man came to the throne. After years of horror many factions rose up in the kingdom all with one goal. To overthrow the current king. After many years the faction that had its head in the military won over the rest. They placed the head of the military as the new king and this man was Leon's Great-Great-Grandfather. Things were run differently at that point. Many of the other factions were squashed, but a few escaped the lands and began their own kingdoms nearby. A few chose to stay and decided they wanted to keep trying for the throne. Jumping back to today all kings of Krieg-Königreich have in some way participated in the many battles over the years. They believed keeping the ruler as a military advocate would keep the kingdom in a steady balance and that it would eventually eliminate any opposition. Leon's mother believed differently. She wanted her children to have compassion. Up until this point royalty of Krieg-Königreich only married the nobility in their kingdom. Leon's mother was the first to convince Leon's father to seek an alliance with another kingdom through marriage. She appealed to his military mind and as a result he agreed to establishing some form of alliance. At first Leon didn't understand his mother's reasoning and still to this day doesn't. Leon, due to having to act a certain way, has never had many friends. The ones he does have are extremely loyal. His actually are only a few who works within the castle he calls home and a few he has fought with. The boy has two younger brothers and three younger sisters. He and his siblings are very close, and they receive similar treatment from their father as Leon does but no where near the same extent. Leon's life was fairly much always the same. Training in combat and tactics. Studying the way his enemies fought. Sneaking behind his fathers back to spend time with the workers in the castle. Occasionally getting caught and beat for it. Spending time with his mother and siblings. It was a routine thing for him. However, when his father came home from a diplomatic meeting one day his schedule became more rigorous. His father said that he'd finally found the perfect girl to have his son wed. From then on the king was much stricter on Leon. The boy had to be the perfect image that his father wanted him to portray. [b][u]Theme Song:[/u][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DboMAghWcA]Hero of War - Rise Against[/url] [sub][i]A hero of war Is that what they see? Just medals and scars So damn proud of me And I brought home that flag Now it gathers dust But it's a flag that I love It's the only flag I trust[/i][/sub] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] Color code is Royalblue and face claim is Richard Madden [/hider] [@HaleyTheRandom] [@SouffleGirl123] I hope it isn't as stupid as I feel it is. Also, since in every RP I only ask people for their thoughts on my character and no one says anything, this time I politely demand you criticize my character.(Said in a stupidly obnoxious voice.) But seriously though I really would appreciate it if people gave their thoughts on him. Please.