[@alexfangtalon] *takes off my normal glasses and puts on my criticism glasses* Hmm.. First off that's a hideous green shade you have him wear.. LOL xD jk'ing, it's not that horrible xD Well, with all honesty, I have no comment about who and how he is. It sounds quite reasonable and nice to have such a character around, yet I believe the effect of his father's abuse and mistreat should come to show throughout the roleplay in a way or another. Just reminding you that you should so this is not just a sob background story with no effect on the character. Other than that! Good job! It's not stupid at all in my eyes. Good job on the little background on the kingdom as well, very interesting. Oh and BTW, I think they want the color in the code from the link offered in the HTML tab down there. I THINK so at least.