[quote=Wind Wild] I have a question that I didn't quite completely grasp yet. To my understanding the Night Kiss assassins work mostly alone on missions, is that correct? If so, how tight are the bonds among themselves inside the organisation? How many people are there? How and how often do they interact? Do they practice teamwork? I feel like I need to ask those things to build my character appropriately. Also, if everyone knows themselves a relationship/opinion chart might be useful, or a list of previous missions completed together or something? [/quote] They work mostly together, quite the opposite of your understanding. A mission is larger, more branching than you may be thinking thus requiring more than a single individual to be successful. Our team may be assigned to accomplish a mission, but that mission may have a few larger objectives requiring the team to break into sub-groups based on the necessary skills/plan we come up with to succeed. As a roleplay, I want things to be interactive. Given time I will make some room for individual missions or things requiring very small teams. As far as how people know each other and all that, I've mostly answered these questions with our other members. Everyone here except for one has been with Night Kiss a while. However, they have worked throughout the organization, which arose from a fallen nation. You can infer to the size for now, but we [I]will[/I] visit the primary base for Night Kiss sooner than later (more info in the OP). Our sect of Night Kiss keeps to a ship moving about the sea and has only just been reformed. It was led before by Master Nazeem Thorne who is believed to have died some months prior and my character, Simeon Cythrea has now taken his position and been given a new assembly. The IC will open with our team being assembled/having just been assembled. Some may know each other from smaller, past missions, and others may have simply passed one another and not know much more than their face. This puts members new and old on an even playing field as they learn how to find their parts in the team.