[h3][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDMBIWAj2j4]Sato Hashimoto // GAME-OVER Arcade[/url][/h3] Sato gave a weak smile when Mako agreed to play it with him, even if it apparently had been a while since either of them had played it. Hours seemed to fly by as Mako instructed Sato on how to do fighting game things-- he knew the basics, as he'd been taught before, but any of the combos were beyond him. It was, suffice to say, pretty one-sided. But, it was fun at least. Trying to figure out his character proved interesting, even if Mako was bludgeoning in his head while Sato tried to figure out how to do a double quarter-circle in the middle of battle. Once they got sick of burning coins, it struck Sato how familiar the game's subject matter was, but he brushed it off as Mako lead them out of the arcade. Walking out of the front door, the setting sun lighting the world in its soft yellow glow, Sato turned to face Mako as the latter boy expressed his gratitude for Sato showing up. Sato nodded weakly, still a bit hesitant about the whole... 'date', but it was undeniably a good time, so... Yeah. Mako awkwardly touched Sato's hand, an action he couldn't help but smile at. Not because of the sentiment, but because of how adorably awkward it was. Nonetheless, Sato gave a smile wave as he took a step away from his kouhai. "See you soon," He said, turning away. [hr][h3][url=https://youtu.be/fAHbUcWxJXs]Sato Hashimoto // Abandoned Warehouse[/url][/h3][b]JULY 5TH 2015, SUNDAY Daytime[/b] Too soon. This was definitely sooner than Sato wanted to see Mako again, especially in the context of a warehouse meet-up. Standing next to Mako, the teen watched as some of the other team members discussed Rui's new hawk and the latest kidnapping victim. The latter wasn't exactly surprising-- it was almost like another Sunday to Sato at this point, but he felt dirty thinking of it like that, so he focused on the hawk. And it didn't make sense, since apparently it had a persona or something. Did that mean they had air support, a la an airplane? Sato felt the bow slung around his arm digging into his shoulder with its string, the quiver weighing on his opposite arm. Hopefully, uh, the hawk wouldn't get in the way of anything. Sato felt Mako's eyes on him, and he looked over at the younger boy hesitantly. He wasn't really sure what to do, but since Rui was busy doing whatever Rui does, the duty of keeping an eye out for the new kids felt like it fell to others. In a way, it made sense for the archer to keep an eye on the front-line guys. "Hey, uh, I guess you should probably stick with me, since this is your first time going into the mirror world. I'll watch your back as you figure things out, and then I hope you'll do the same for me. Does that sound good...?" Sato looked over back to Rui, avoiding eye-contact with the hawk that seemed to be staring right back. "That is, if we're on the same team. I'm not sure how Rui wants to do things, but I trust his judgement on this stuff. Don't do anything reckless, Mako. I know you probably don't need to hear it, but this is life-or-death, and a mistake can get you hurt. Healing spells can't fix everything. Just... be careful, and don't get in the way of an arrow or anything."