[quote=@NarcissisticPotato] [@darkwolf687] Or another invasion of Russian! They usually go well! [@HaleyTheRandom] Why spin-off? ;-; If we take darkwolf and I, our nations could quite easily have a lot of friction due to clashing ideals of sovereignty and who owns what. These dilemmas would add a whole new dimension to the RP and instead of just awkward royal teenagers trying to get laid, it would be awkward royal teenagers trying to get laid while trying not to start a war! It would be great! You guys have to remember that the 21st century has been mainly peaceful and that is primarily down to democracy. Going to war is awkward as fuck in a democracy and you need a good reason for it (ermagherd de wmds). That awkwardness doesn't stretch to monarchies. Colonial ties and border disputes would be rampant, I imagine, so it's fairly likely that certain countries wouldn't get on great with other countries! [@Avanhelsing] Also what do you mean that is all? Did you not see all that sick loot Cali-g got? Like... All those sea shells he stole! [/quote] I wouldn't really say it's been all that peaceful nor would I say that's mainly due to democracy. I would say it's more to do with the fact that it is no longer so easy to ignore the horrors of war and play up the glory because with modern technology everyone can see the terrible, terrible parts of the world and actively want to avoid them. If going to war in a democracy is awkward then America is the king of awkward; I honestly think it was just easier to convince people to go to war in the past because you could play up the glory of war while downplaying the horror. Now that horror and it's results can be broadcast directly into your living room and it's a lot harder to remain blissfully ignorant as a result. I would say that's why war is a lot more awkward now and not really democracy; Monarchies aren't always absolute monarchies either, that's important to remember. And decolonisation may still have occurred; Britain's decolonisation was more spurred on by the fact that it's empire stopped turning a profit after the debts of the world wars, for example. It's very difficult to say what the world would look like because so much has changed in this RPs setting Border disputes? Definitely. Actually it's more likely to be claim disputes; You gave a good example with mine and your characters. My characters still title themselves as Kings of England, Wales, Scotland and Lord's of Ireland when in reality they haven't held it in centuries (This is actually fairly common for monarchs. The Queen still claims to be the Duke of Normandy even though the only parts of the duchy of Normandy she has are the channel islands...) Remember how the English kings used to think about pressing their claim on France? I imagine Britannian kings have given thought to pressing their claim on the British Isles. Also due to all the royal marriages, in a globalised feudal world it's entirely possible for a King of New Zealand to end up with a claim on the Crown Dependency of California.. and want to claim it Also relations would be highly dependant on what the rulers thought of each other. Spain and France might get along dandy under one ruler, but then when France pops his clogs and is replaced Spain decided his son who took over in an insufferable sod and joins the Germans to invade France instead.