[quote=@alexfangtalon] [@RomanAria] Oh boy. That definitely means unless she is paired with an extremely peaceful Kingdom something bad may happen. Actually if it was Leon he would hide the fact from his father, but if his father ever found out the King would probably be very furious. [/quote] Or they would annul the marriage/force a divorce. Or depending on how brutal the people she ended up married to are, have her killed in an accident and have the prince marry someone else. Or they would just fake it, that's a much more likely possibility too; how? Dunno, maybe find a girl who looks like the princess, have the prince get her pregnant, pretend the baby belongs to the prince and princess. Pay money silence people who know to be sure, who knows. Whatever the case, even if someone squealed they're more likely to be written off as a conspiracy theorist than taken serioisly and the government could just fake tests and stuff if it got too out of hand. Or depending on what exactly it is that is making her infertile, there are ways around that too with the wonders of modern medicine. Not that this wouldn't be kept very hush hush all the same