[hider=Ariel Gray of Norden]
[center][h2][color=fff79a]Serafina 'Ariel' Gray of The Kindgom of Norden[/color][/h2]
[b][i][color=fff79a]“I've learned that we're all entitled to have our secrets.”[/color][/i][/b] –[b]Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook[/b]
[sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heQ0-udfIOw]Happy Hurts - Icon For Hire[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3-CLP5zxss]Supposed To Be ~ Icon For Hire[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGrM1sh-8pE] Dear Agony ~ Breaking Benjamin [/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2OD-dV7j_I] Mz. Hyde ~ Halestorm [/url][/sub][/center]

[indent][color=fff79a]Serafina 'Ariel' Gray[/color][/indent]

[color=fff79a][i]"Ariel. Nothing more, nothing less."[/i][/color]
-Ariel is the girls most common nickname, though is actually what she goes by. It's pronounced R-E-L.
-Sarah, a shortened version of her first name. She hates it, though has no idea why.
-Kitten/Kitty: She strangely likes this one, as it was derived one day by her friends when she hissed at them and since then, they have pointed out how similar she is or isn't to a cat. 

[b][u][color=fff79a]Birth date and age:[/color][/u][/b] August 13th. Nineteen. 

[b][u][color=fff79a]Sexuality:[/color][/u][/b] [color=fff79a][i]"He's cute, she's cute."[/i][/color]

[b][u]In Depth Appearance:[/u][/b] [color=fff79a][i]"I'll stop wearing black when they come out with a darker color."[/i][/color]
Ariels style is described as Grunge or borderline Emo. The young woman dresses selectively in all black the majority of the time, though will occasionally wear white or other dark colors. Skinny jeans are her favorite things for bottoms, though she can be found wearing shorts that are considered perhaps a little too short. Her hair is a dark brown, sometimes confused for black, and can be seen worn down or in a braid, perhaps in a ponytail when doing strenuous activities. Her bangs are what some may call choppy, and have no particular form, constantly swept to the left side of her face. 

Makeup is something that Ariel is not a stranger to. Of course she isn’t going to spend four hours on the task in the morning, but eyeliner is practically one of the girls best friends, along with her mascara. 

The young woman has a tattoo of an flying eagle in the middle of her lower arm.


[center][u][color=fff79a]• Fiesty • Random • Socially Awkward •[/color] [/u][/center]

[color=fff79a][i]"I've been called a comical bitch and violently funny, so that counts for something."[/i][/color]

On the outside looking in, Ariel is one of the most happy, socially awkward people that you could ever meet. Always saying something goofy, and having a way with words, the girl is the type to almost always have a smile on her face and is not quick to get angered. Having slight social anxiety is perhaps the reason for her social awkwardness, which causes her to say really random things. Ariel is the type of girl that may come off as a bitch, but she's the blunt kind of girl that when she says something mean, it's funny. Some may say that the girl is violent, with her outbursts of random, crazy, violent sayings but she probably won't choke you with a marshmellow. However, that's the coverup that she puts on. 

The truth is, Serafina suffers from depression. The girl tends to keep her emotions bottled inside and simply do her best to release them through her blogs,videos,and music. She simply don't take any medication for it because she is to ashamed to talk about it, causing her to put on an act. Being socially awkward, it is hard for Ariel to express herself unless she is behind a screen, and, in fact, is shy when it comes to meeting new people. Of course, you may think how is she brave with all of this going on inside of her, but she's brave in a different way than you think. Ariel is brave enough to face the day starting out with a positive attitude no matter how bad she knows it's going to be.

The young woman hates drama, gossip, and any other thing of the sort. She can typically be seen hanging out with the guys at school, because she considers females to much drama. Of course, if you ask her how she is doing, you will receive a great and a goof thumbs up. Not being able to express herself truthfully angers her to no end, though, just like her true feelings, she doesn't let it show. In short, the girl is a half read book. To know her, you must first know the whole story.  

[b][color=fff79a]Likes & Dislikes[/color][/b]
[indent][i][color=fff79a]"Music is my drug and your opinion was never asked, darling."[/color][/i]
~Rock Music - Various bands such as Halestorm, Breaking Benjamin, Greenday, Icon For Hire, Mayday Parade, etc.
~Blogging - Ariel is a writer and has had her blog since the age of thirteen. As it turns out, people actually like it and she now has over 3k followers on the thing. 
~Climbing anything.
~Youtube - Not only does the girl spend endless hours on the site, but she also has a youtube channel who people also like! 5k followers on this one. What can she say, she lives in a big city!
~Doing covers of her bands songs, which, of course, go on the youtube channel. 
~Playing various instruments - Ariel plays the acoustic and electric guitar, piano and a little bit of the violin.
~Science - Biology, mainly, but also astronomy.
~Dancing - Ariel mixes ballet and pop dancing together. These videos well, you get the point. 

~Being told to act like a lady.
~People judging her based on appearance and/or music taste. 
~People just simply assuming what she feels or is going to do next. [color=fff79a][i]"Like, I'm sorry, but you don't know me like that, 'kay?"[/i][/color]
~Bands like those of One Direction.
~Romance movies. Twilight is the worst. 
~Hot drinks/Flat soda. 
~Un-loyal people.
~Crying in front of others - Ariel sees this as a sign of weakness and read somewhere once that it actually defies science. 

[indent]-Not being able to see the stars.
-Crowds/New people. 
-People finding out about her depression.[/indent]

[b][u]Biography:[/u][/b] Ariel was born in what is considered to be the 'Rebel' Kingdom of Norden. Rather than having tutors like a normal child, she was engaged in school where the Kingdoms subjects went, just as all of the rulers before her. Everything was great until the age of eight. This was when Serafina learned the truth about her father. Coming home from school, seeing the looks on the hand-maidens faces, as well as the guards and the other royal employees, Ariel tried to go to her room, just as she always did. However, they tried to hold her back saying words like "Miss Ariel, no. Please Miss Ariel.." But the child was persistent, and despite the arms and hands that tried to hold her back, the young girl pressed on. Climbing up the oh-so-familiar castle stairs, she remembers clear as day hearing her fathers words harsher than she had ever heard before, her mothers pleading voice. She continued to the kings study, opening the door, only to come into the scene of her mother cowering down, tears coming down her face as her fathers hand came up once more. [color=fff79a]"Mommy?"[/color] she asked. Suddenly her fathers angered face turned towards her, Marianna taking her exit to run to her daughter and drag her out of the room, leaving King Trillian behind. [color=fff79a]"Mommy, are you okay?"[/color] Her mothers face looked down at hers, bruises already here and there, as the young woman squatted down and grabbed her gently by the arms to make her stop walking. Stroking Ariels hair, she would say: [color=6ecff6]"Honey, I promise daddy loves you, just like he loves me, okay? But you can't ever speak a word of this to anyone, understand?"[/color]

[color=fff79a]"But mommy, he hit you."[/color]

Her mother gave a weak smile. [color=6ecff6]"I know darling, I know." [/color] She stood up, offering her hand to her daughter. [color=6ecff6]"Come. Mother's going to help you with your homework this afternoon.[/color]

It went on this way for two years, until the age of ten when Ariel decided to step in and try to stop her fathers wrath from falling upon her mothers shoulders once more. Instead of stopping Trillian, the man instead turned on his child, leaving the first bruises upon her body that for once was not from climbing on something that she wasn't supposed to. They royal staff stood by, their heads hung low, as tears fell upon their faces to, for if they said anything, it would be considered treason, a crime punishable by death. It was little Lucas, a guards son, who pulled her to his side and held her as she cried. This was the first time that the two ever spoke to each other. [color=a2d39c]"Miss Ariel, you must stop. A princess must walk with her head held high."[/color] Ariel shoved the boy away, running to her room. She didn't want or need consoling, she wanted to know the reason for her fathers actions. 

At the age of twelve, Ariel and the Kingdom of Norden suffered the great loss of their queen, Marianna. She had died in a fatal car crash on the way to the airport, a simple accident, it had been said. This put the Kingdom in a state of mourning, however, this didn't stop her fathers actions. This was the night that Lucas and Ariel spoke for the second time. [color=a2d39c]"I'm sorry for your loss, Miss Ariel,"[/color] the young boy said. 

The girl held her head high. [color=fff79a]"Nonsense, Lucas. It was just as much of your loss as mine.[/color]
The blonde haired boy looked taken aback. [color=a2d39c]"Y-you know my name, Miss?"[/color]

She gave him a weak smile. [color=fff79a]"I made it a point to after the first time, Lucas."[/color] She gathered walked up the stairs, hearing someone running up behind her, a hand laid firmly on her arm. [color=a2d39c]"I want to be like my father, Miss Ariel. I want to protect this great Kingdom, and one day, I will. But more importantly, I will be able to protect you."[/color]

At thirteen, Ariel created her blog and youtube channel. This was also the time that she started dancing, and she posted the videos on all of her sites. Lucas was in a few videos with her, most of those her biggest hits, however, her father continued with his ways, no one saying a word. Each night, Lucas was there to hold her, to make her feel somewhat whole again, as if she wasn't falling apart. It happened over time, but the two of them ended up dating at the age of fifteen. Those were some of the best years of her life, as Ariel recalls. 

The secret kisses in the night, the stolen laughs in the corridors. It was Juliet and her Romeo all over again. Of course her father would have never approved, his daughter was from royal blood, and she should only marry such. But that was the thing. Ariel never planned to actually fall in love with Lucas, she never expected him to make her feel whole. However, he did, and three months after her seventeenth birthday, Lucas proposed. Ariel, being head over heels for the young man, accepted. That same night, her father went into one of his worst rages, and Lucas walked in on it, doing his best to take up for her. Trillian called in the other guards to drag him away, and sent Ariel with him. The next morning, Lucas decided to go out publicly about the families secret, broadcasting an important video to the country. Naturally, their were speculations, even an up roar or two. Trillian made a statement of his own, denying the allegations, and forced Ariel. Such allegations were considered treason, as King Trillian turned the tables and had the young man hanged, Ariel unable to do anything about it. However, this was the last straw for her. She barged into her study just after the horrible event, tears streaming down her face. [color=fff79a]"You killed him? You killed [i]Lucas[/i]?"[/color]

Her father looked up from his documents. [color=f7941d]"Yes. He disrespected me, you, and this Kingdom. It was wrong of him to release those accusations."[/color] 

[color=fff79a]"But they're true and you [i]damn[/i] well know it."[/color]

He shrugged his shoulders. [color=f7941d]"Nothing you can do about it, Serafina. You've never been able to."[/color]

[color=fff79a]"Yes, I can. Screw your rules, screw your teachings, your ways, whatever. Lay another hand on me and I promise you, this [i]whole[/i] Kingdom and the others will know [i]exactly[/i] the kind of man you are."[/color] She turned to walk out of the door, her fathers shocked face left behind her. Grabbing the door knob, she would turn back to say one last thing. [color=fff79a]"I loved him, Trillian. We got engaged last night and [i]you[/i] killed [i]him.[/i][/color]

As tradition, she was to go to Aciras this year. 

[b][u]Other:[/u][/b] Color Code fff79a. Face-claim: Lights Poxleitner[/hider]

[hider=Ariels Relations]
[center][h1][color=fff79a]Serafina 'Ariel' Gray[/color][/h1]
[color=6ecff6]{[/color][i]"We accept the love we think we deserve.” 
― Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower[/i][color=6ecff6]}[/color]

[color=ec008c]♕[/color] Betrothed [color=ec008c]♔[/color] ~*~ ⚜ Respects ~*~ [color=fff79a]☯[/color] Neutral ~*~ ☮ Friends ~*~ [color=a2d39c]♫[/color] Best Friends ~*~ [color=ed1c24]§[/color] Tense ~*~ [color=f49ac2]♥[/color] Crush ~*~ ⚤ Significant Other ~*~ [color=0072bc]☠ [/color]Enemies[/center]
⚜  [color=ed1c24][b]Raven Willow[/b][/color] ⚜ 
 [i]"And there's a storm you're starting now."[/i]
Ariel knows Raven to be one that has it together, though nothing major has even happened in her life. With the look on her face, what Ariel thinks the most of when she see’s her is a storm. 
☮ [color=00a651][b]Shawn and Zach Hunter[/b][/color]☮ 
 [i]"We’re all apart of the same, sick little games."[/i]
With the rebellious streak that she has, when Ariel, Shawn and Zach first met, the two boys pulled a prank on her, and, taking revenge she did the same to them. Now, they are all apart of the prank squad. 
⚜  [color=a187be][b]Elizaveta Romanova[/b][/color] ⚜ 
[i]"I want to watch the way you take the stage by storm."[/i]
Elizaveta is also another strong female of the bunch that is traveling to Aciras this go around, and Ariel is curious as to if she will live up to her legacy.[hr]
[color=fff79a]☯[/color] [color=007236][b]Feora Swinth[/b][/color] [color=fff79a]☯[/color]
[i]”You're dripping like a saturated sunrise, You're spilling like an overflowing sink”[/i]
Relation Details
[color=ed1c24]§[/color][color=0054a6][b]Zhou Mei Xianshi[/b][/color][color=ed1c24]§[/color]
[i]"It's got nothing to do with how you look, Just another excuse to write a hook."[/i]
Simply put, Ariel doesn’t like Zhou. When reading up on him, something about him just made her feel as if they would argue, perhaps a bit much.  
Symbol [color=][b]Caterina Versini[/b][/color] Symbol
[i]"You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece."[/i]
Ariel has heard of the girl's elder sisters death, and feels sympathy for her. But after losing someone so close, she has to admit, Caterina does indeed, keep it together. 
Symbol [color=FF0000][b]Mai Mei[/b][/color] Symbol
[i]"Don't put your life in someone's hands, They're bound to steal it away. "[/i]
Coming from a broken country like she does, Mai seems like the type that gives into nothing and no one. 
Symbol [color=0054a6][b]John Drake[/b][/color] Symbol
[i]"Thoughts on person"[/i]
Relation Details
[color=ec008c]♕[/color] [color=Sandybrown][b]Casimir D'strad[/b][/color][color=ec008c]♔[/color] 
[i]"And after all you're not my type, but all your friends are pretty nice. "[/i]
Though they are betrothed, Ariel does not necessarily think that she could ever fall for Casimir. However, that doesn’t mean that they couldn’t be great friends. 
[color=00aeef][b]Nikolai Johanssen[/b][/color] 
[i]"Thoughts on person"[/i]
Relation Details
[color=b069d4][b]Liviana Traianus [/b][/color]
[i]"Little girl, you’re in the middle of a ride."[/i]
Relation Details
[color=Royalblue][b]Leonard Fords[/b][/color]
[i]"Go on and play the leader; 'Cause you know it's what you're good at."[/i]
Once again, a person who seems like they have it together and know what they are doing. In Ariels opinion, Leo seems to have some of the best qualities for a future King. 
[color=red][b] Edwin Drakewine[/b][/color]
[i]"I’d rather run the other way than stay and see. ”[/i]
For Ariel, the prince seems to like order just a tad too much. 
[color=799C82][b]Yu Liang[/b][/color] 
Relation Details
[color=FF4193][b]Isobel Martinez[/b][/color] 
Relation Details
[color=cyan][b]Henry Peterson III[/b][/color] 
Relation Details
[color=burlywood][b]Niklas König[/b][/color]
Relation Details.
[color=ed1c24]§[/color] [color=fff79a][b]Serafina Ariel Gray[/b][/color] [color=ed1c24]§[/color]
[i]”You're not a person; you're a disease. ”[/i]
Due to her past, Ariel feels that she is not good enough. She wants to be the best that she can for her country, but deep down, she wonders how on earth she could ever lead a Kingdom full of people as great as past rulers. 
[color=forestgreen][b]Cara O’brien[/b][/color]
Relation Details.
[color=f49ac2]♥[/color][color=Thistle][b]Sade Magaro[/b][/color][color=f49ac2]♥[/color]
[i]”She’s just the girl I’m looking for.”[/i]
Ariel thinks Sade is cute, and, honestly love her makeup, but doesn’t understand why the girl would ever cover her natural beauty. 
[b][color=C71585]Talya Krasnoff[/color][/b]

[hider=Ariels Wardrobe]

[hider=Ariels Aesthetic]