Speaking inf the whole thing with Farid, would done mind explaining me a couple of points? Number one, why does Ashav needs to appoint a champion? (I mean, I assume it's for a duel, but why is there a need for a duel is what I am getting at). Two, something about a blood price was mentioned at the start, could someone clear that up, if that's ok? Sorry for the questions, am a little lost.

And, speaking of Farid's punishment, Tsleeixth would most likely to either have Farid executed or -at the very least- exiled from the Company.

Schaft's in charge of this but here's what I can tell you.

The company leaders have decided to punish Farid by: a, forcing him to pay a fee (which he probably can't afford) and exiling him; b, gives him a chance to dispute the sentence by dueling Ashav's representative. Farid chose the latter.

Farid did save Tsleeixth's life in Windhelm, so would he be that eager for an execution?