[quote=@Leidenschaft] So, I paired each character in the deadpool up. The pairs were Leif - Sagax and Dax - Solveig. I rolled a d20 for each pair to decide who would win between the two, example: Leif would win if the die rolled onto any number 1-10, Dax 11-20 Here are the results: Leif 6 Sagax 4 Dax 7 Solveig 3 The Dice-Gods really wanted either Leif or Dax to fight Farid as Ashav's Champion. They were just pissing all over my odds, though. In the end, Dax will have his day of blood. I'm going to figure out how to transplant Farid and Dax into a DnD 5e character sheet's stats, unless anyone else has a better idea. [/quote] This...is...this makes me so happy. I'm crying Crocodile tears [quote]What if guys guys, what if guys, hear me out guys, what if Dax what if, guys, what if Dax loses ... his whole body and is left only a head.[/quote] [url=http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/795/906/728.jpg]I'm sure we can put his head on some other body[/url]