[b]Akane Hanazawa // Abandoned Warehouse[/b] Sunday, July 5th, 2015 As she arrived at the warehouse, she glanced at everyone that's there. But given this and the messages, it seems like things are especially serious this time. Well, not like it has ever been NOT serious, given, you know, kidnapping and shadow stuff here and all but you know. [i]It's supposedly just one person this go around, after the string of double dungeons we've had but....this many people for [b]just[/b] 1? Hmm...[/i] Megumi would then clarify that while there was only one person this time around, there was dozens of people inside and they were all be influenced by one person. [i]It couldn't be the cult, not after that last time, right? They seemed so out of it and knew nothing about the Mirror world so...[/i] Well, in any case, it seems like shadows wouldn't be the only thing they'd be combating today. With a grin on her face, it was like an early birthday present or something. Anyways, the only thing to note would be that hawk thats perched on Rui's shoulders. Isn't that the same one from before? As strange as that might seem to most people, stuff like that is becoming quite common place ever since she started all of this. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Oh, Looks like we've got ourselves our own mascot character, huh? Looks like him and Kazuki have already bonded."[/b][/color] She laughed at his plight. This is getting more and more like a game. Hopefully he won't suddenly turn into one was those talkative-annoying types or they just might be having some fried sparrowhawk for an after dungeon snack. Akane wasn't sure how they were going to sort who to do what, but as long as she gets a lot of the action and isn't overly crowded, it'll work itself out. Grabbing her katana, she made her way towards the mirror as she waited for the others to get ready so they can leave.