[center][h1][color=#3068FF][b]Evelyn Chambers - [i]Tulpa[/i][/b][/color][/h1][hr][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/219684750640545802/222829568262799360/bluemask.PNG[/img][/center][hr]Her boot tapping anxiously on the ground while she waited outside of what could only be a conference room, Evelyn...or, well, Tulpa since she was in [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/219684750640545802/222829172169375745/bluesuit.PNG]costume[/url], swallowed hard and glanced up and around. Thoughts whizzed through her mind as she waited, time seeming to drag on and on. What could they be doing in there? Were they talking about [i]her[/i]...no, if she wasn't allowed in it was probably something only more experienced capes could talk about. Something they couldn't trust her with...the thought hurt a little bit, but she decided to stop considering it--she was getting ahead of herself after all.

Deciding to turn her attention, and thoughts, to something else the tapping of her foot stilled and she closed her eyes. she began a breathing exercise, one of many she'd learned online and also from her martial arts classes. Within moments she felt calmer, her thoughts clearer, and her insecurities less important, less crushing. A small smile came over her face, that was until her curiosity reared its head, causing a faint shimmering to move out of a nearby wall where it hovered in the air--almost invisible, but not quite. Granted, Evelyn couldn't see it, since her eyes were closed, but she could [i]see[/i] it...in a way. The inert projection continued through the air, feeding her information as it passed through it--mostly regarding the air's molecule content, the dust in the air, the temperature--before it moved straight through a [i]person[/i]. A bombardment of information about their physical make-up rushed into her mind causing her breath to briefly catch in her throat before she forcibly started the breathing technique again, increasing her focus.

The projection moved on, slipping through the wall and shrinking in overall size to an almost lemon-shaped silhouette of silver light of about 4 feet from end to end and 2 feet around. Then it spread out, the light becoming dimmer as it did, before she willed it to blanket the ground as it entered the chamber. However, before it could impose its 'shadow' upon those in the room the door opened, causing her to start, her eyes snapping open. She was glad she had a mask on...as she felt her cheeks grow hotter at being caught--not that any of the guards would know what she'd been doing.

As they led her in she took  another few deep breaths and while she couldn't smile, due to the mask concealing her face, she made her posture as relaxed and neutral as she stopped walking. Her eyes glanced around a bit, noting that no one had noted the ever so slight silver sheen to the floor of the room. It made her smile a bit beneath her mask, knowing that she had her own little secret from everyone there.

Then the PRT director, who she had to admit still intimidated her more than a little, spoke up, telling Ink and Sonar to take care of her and keep her happy. She bit her lip beneath her mask, frowning slightly, before letting the expression disappear--not that anyone could see it. She didn't really like being treated like a needy child, but oh well she'd just have to deal with it for now.

Still she was glad when the Director left the room, though she still bowed her head politely as he passed. Once he had departed the room Ink got up and approached her. [i]Ink![/i], she practically screamed internally. I mean, yeah he looked kinda doofy, but she'd seen what he could do on the news and heard plenty. He was [i]awesome[/i] even if he did look weird. Plus it wasn't like that was [i]his[/i] fault, and even if it had been, she wasn't one to judge purely by appearances, it wasn't in how she'd been raised.

Shaking his...tentacle(?) in kind, as she had shook the hands of the other Protectorate capes--something she was squirming about on the inside, it was great! She looked up at him, smiling beneath her mask, the expression clear even with her mask on. While she had wanted to say [i]something[/i] to him, [i]anything[/i] really, she kept her mouth firmly shut and nodded in understanding before Ink left and she had to turn her attention elsewhere.

Meanwhile, as each cape had gotten up and walked across the room, their feet had entered the shadow of her projection, giving her little glimpses into their powers. It was fascinating and as he walked up to her, Sonar was no exception. His power felt...heavy, for some reason, almost like it was a burden, but nonetheless she could tell it had to do with detection and sound. She'd also heard of him plenty so she knew a good amount about it already. The ability to hear everything within half a mile, not to mention the sonic screams. Man that sounded awesome, also way more direct. She briefly glanced at the floor, thinking of her own power in that moment before quickly returning eye contact with Sonar. [color=#3068FF][b]"Thanks,"[/b][/color] she said to Collin, her voice coming out a bit hesitant, but also happy, better than she thought her first words in front of a well known cape would be.

[color=#3068FF][b]"Well, I guess you can all call me Evelyn, if you want to,"[/b][/color] she said, a bit of her anxiety leaking into her mannerisms, if not her voice--a small blessing she supposed. It was funny, around really new people and in new situations she got nervous, but she could go to rallies with hundreds of people she'd never met and scream her lungs out without feeling nervous at all. Man the human mind made no sense, she thought with a small mental laugh.

When another of the wards approached her, not offering his hand--[i]weird, maybe he doesn't like being touched?[/i]--she nodded and then responded to his...slightly more lengthy greeting. [color=#3068FF][b]"Hi Dean, Martyr. Hmm,"[/b][/color] she paused, trying to decide which to call him, before settling on his civ name and speaking up again, [color=#3068FF][b]"Thanks for the welcome, I appreciate it. It's nice."[/b][/color]

Glancing at the others, she felt a sudden recoiling as her projection briefly touched Dean's foot--something he would not be able to feel in the least--before drawing away suddenly. She only briefly got an impression of...summoning? Minion creation maybe? Some kind of master power, she surmised, before she turned her attention back to her other new teammates. Epsilon, Messiah and...Mar...mar-something-or-other. She briefly struggled to find the name he'd just said, having lost it in the brief moment she'd been distracted. [color=#3068FF][b]"I'm happy to meet all of you, a bit psyched actually, been wondering what my teammates would be like all day, to be honest,"[/b][/color] she said with a smile in her voice. She was starting to feel a bit more comfortable around them, even though it had only been a matter of several minutes.

Just another of her quirks, of course...it helped to have her projection telling her the deep secrets of their powers--in a fashion. It was kind of nice, everyone seemed really welcoming, cool even. Hell, even that hologram guy, what was his name again...Decoy? Yeah, that was it. Even he seemed nice, if more than a bit eccentric. With this in mind her eyes turned to her other teammates, wondering how they'd introduce themselves...and what their powers were.

She'd find out soon enough, she supposed, but the little spoilers her power gave her, made her all the more excited to see them in action. Another of its perks, she thought.