[hider=Dez][img]https://scontent-b-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1/198821_152784461530599_337627536_n.jpg[/img] [/hider] I am fate's strike unexpectedly come, I come too soon and am before their time, I am reaper, predator, and I swear this Oath before Selene. I, [b]Desmond De’ Carte Lavine[/B] of Sweet Night, One Faint Kiss. Amongst Night's Chosen, I shall be [B] Dez, The Shadow [/B]. The Chosen are my kin, I am servant to Selene for She is my patron, my Divine. Through my kin, I offer my skills to Selene. I offer my [I] arms and legs which are strong, swift, agile, and deadly, my eyes, which can see clearly, even on the darkest of nights, and my lifetime of experience, which spans over 150 years and has taught me both the strength of limitations of my own body.[/I]. I submit my greatest flaws: [I] the sun, which burns my flesh and boils my blood, and my never ending need for blood, without blood I become a shell of myself, and my true age becomes ever more apparent., [/I] so that my kin might aid me in my time of need. I recognize the Sweet Night knows no politics and declare mine openly to shed temptation. [I]I have little hatred or love for anything. The sun is my one true foe and the night my one true mistress. The land of Selvia Oscura intrigues me, but I care little for the politics of the mortal races. There is one who I hunt, whether to kill or to thank her, I do not yet know I feel that I should also mention that there are those who hunt my kind without remorse, should they find me out, all who travel with me may be in danger.[/I]. May my kin aid me should I stumble as I shall do so for them. Openly I declare with neither pride nor shame-- for Sweet Night knows neither-- my past as kin may know. [I]I was once a mortal man, in the middle of my 25th year. I was strong of body and sharp of tongue, and held the arrogance that only comes with youth and inexperience. I cared for little more than when I was to next get paid, and which fair lady I was to bed next. I had no family to speak of, and never cared to have one. In mine own eye, I was indestructible. After so many years of life, I know now what a fool I truly was. It was my lust that would undue me. The woman was beautiful, raven black hair, skin as white and soft as newly fallen snow, and eyes that pierced my soul like daggers. I knew at the first sight of her I had to have her, I had to know her in that special way. It should have been a surprise how willing she agreed to go with me. I did not have to win her over with wine or complements. It seemed like she was as willing as I was. Again, the eternal arrogance of youth reared its ugly head. In the heat of passion, I thought little of the way she nibbled at my neck or of her long, strong fingernails that gently scratched my skin, drawing small droplets of blood. Only when it was too late did I notice that her teeth had sunken deep into my flesh, and were draining the strength from my limbs. Only when the peril of the situation I was in became apparent did I notice how impossibly strong her arms were, as she held me close and still, regardless of how hard I thrashed or moved. Only when the darkness surrounded me and engulfed my very being did I know the enormous mistake I had made. That night, I slept my final slumber as a mortal man. Visions of shadows and fire filled my dreams, and I was sure I would never awaken again. I was wrong, however, I did awake, and the world I woke to was vastly different than the one I left. For whatever reason, her bight had changed me, transformed me into something I could not comprehend. I was stronger, faster, and my body came to life with the setting of the sun. But she had cursed me, never again would I be able to watch the sun rise of the peaks of the mountains, or feel its warmth against my skin. But perhaps my greatest burden to bear would by the eternal hunger that would never be satisfied, no matter how much I fed. Over time I would learn what I was, In the 130 years sense my brush with the lady of the night I have learned much about what I am, and what I can do. I have met others of my kind, though few enough, and have I learned how to give others the same blessing, or curse, that was given to me. To this day I still search for the one who changed me. I will find her, but whether I will kiss her and thank her for this gift, or rip out her heart for dooming me with this curse, I have yet to decide. [/I] I do not hide from the gaze of my kin. [i] I have had over a century to hone my skills and strengths. My body is my greatest weapon, but I will often travel with a slender sword at my side, a sword I can use quite well. Throughout my years of life I have trained with various swordsman and artisans skilled in combat, they have taught me much of what I know now, though most have died or are at deaths door. What I know of my own kind, I have discovered mostly from trial and error, lore, and the occasional help or advise of those of mine own kind, though I find them rarely. I prefer to travel during the night, for obvious reasons. However, if I must travel during the day I can do so as long as I wear heavy leather clothing that protects my skin from the sun, I will be weakened, and will have to feed extensively, but I can make do. However, if I do not feed regularly even thick leather will not protect me from the suns rays. The lack of blood causes terrible things to happen to me, I become old and crippled after a short time, and my true form reveals itself the longer I go without plasma. If I go too long without blood, I become a beast, feral and uncontrollable; I enter a state for which I know no cure, nor have I met any who know of one. [/I] Truly as I am [i] Dez, The Shadow [/I] and amongst Night's Chosen, I seal my Oath. Of Sweet Night, One Faint Kiss. [I] Spring 411 of the Fourth Era.[/I]