[b][h2][center][color=1b1464]Overlook's Bunker.[/color][/center][/h2][/b]


This was a terrible start to a peaceful conversation. Ruben's heart started racing at this situation, he'd figure he was okay to just come in and not actually hurt anyone, just simply enter and ask a few questions, but now he was fucked. He had to hope for god he could be a good enough diplomat for this situation to not go south for him. His drone backed into a corner of the room and reasonably took a look at everything around him. He began to type in the text box sent to him by "TheRe@lD3c0y". [color=8882be][b]"Ok, let's be civil here. I haven't done anything to hurt you guys, and I'm not going to... even if I could."[/b][/color]

The drone shook in fear, Overlook being completely focused on the task at hand. A speaker rose from the drone as Overlook's voice echoed throughout the shooting range. [b][color=8882be]"There is no need to be violent here, I can have this drone leave and you'll never hear from me again."[/color][/b]

Overlook glanced back at the text box, and typed in it again. [b][color=8882be]"I'm not your enemy, and even if I wanted to be I couldn't. I already have half a leg, and I can't do anything with this drone but reconnaissance. All I want is to help."[/color][/b] 

Let's hope these guys are open to peace.