[@Lady Athena][@Nikki Moonlight] Rai glanced at Eleanor as she walked away, he hated the fact that they had drifted apart after what happened. He looked to Guren before saying "Glad to see you can keep up a deal after all." "Anyway, I gotta go put this back before people see it." Rai said as he gestured to the bat, which was in an even worse state than it was beforehand. "See ya!" Rai said to no one in particular as he began to walk down the hallway towards his locker. Whilst walking to his locker Rai's mind was running wild with excitement, thoughts of the actual training he was to undergo, all the weapons he'd get to see and use, it was enough to make him a little bit giddy. Rai opened his locker and was once again confronted by the broken mirror. Earlier today he saw a hot tempered schoolboy looking back at him, but now he saw not who he[i] was [/i] but instead Rai saw what he would become starting today; A vampire hunter.