[center][h1]Sofia Stien: Icehouse Hideout[/h1][/center]

Sofia paid attention to the Broker's explanation, despite the fact that it was rather long winded, as soon as he started she got the vibe that speaking like this was something he was rather used to. She wasn't entirely sure that looking out for each other's best interest was a wise idea either, these people seemed as varied as any group of parahumans she'd ever heard of. Her normally docile face started a little at the mention of the money they would be receiving. That was... A lot. Plus it seemed to be indicated that this was the poor end of their salary. Sofia had no idea what she'd spend that much money on, but the ability to have it could be nice. Everybody began talking in succession after the explanation was finished and Sofia waited patiently. The headhunter guy seemed to not approve of the not killing rule, which was to be expected. The pretty boy, lovely, explained his preferred title. He seemed like one of those... what was the name? Fun boys? Play boys? Ah she didn't remember. Then the guy that liked talking, proved just that. He brought up the rehearsal feel that Sofia had gotten as well as more or less stating that they were probably all pawns. Sofia had taken that for granted but whatever. She took another sip of- oh. Her coffee was gone. Oops. Sofia eyed the extra cup of coffee. Eh. Seeing as the chatter had stopped for a moment Sofia spoke up, [b]"You may call me Sofia."[/b] She didn't particularly care if these people knew her name. It wasn't like it told them anything she cared about keeping secret.