In the end, there didn't seem to be anything to worry about. Just as the razor-sharp, unfathomable wit of the Margrave expected, Decoy stepped up to handle the intruder. An inkling of disappointment filtered through Elliot's head. In his pocket, his latest ingenious innovation begged to be used, but for now he would be obliged to bide his time. Of course, it wouldn't have been much use against a metal drone, but dealing with it would have been a cinch, anyway. Letting his arms fall, Elliot shrugged, tilting his head to the side slightly as he did to maximize his indifference. For once, though, he said nothing, and a moment later the courageous Collin started speaking, anyway. The boy, two years his junior yet somehow his superior ([i]he thinks himself above I?)[/i], more or less backed him up in his flawless estimation of the situation, but halfway through vindicating Elliot, Collin paused, his previously unbothered face seized into a mask of shock. He then uttered a sorry excuse for a swear that left Elliot to agape to gripe before Collin was already halfway down the hallway. [color=8F9779]”Bleck,”[/color] he mumbled as he began to pick up speed. [color=8F9779]Could you say anything less cool? Most kids love cursing nowadays.”[/color] Still, if something set off Sonar's sonar, that meant something was afoot that could probably be solved by excessive force. The thought of a little excitement was more than enough to put a little spring in Elliot's step as he followed. One hand he jammed in his pocket as if he were strolling on a breezy day, and with the other, his ears abuzz with Collin's explanation, he grasped his brow to prevent his blinding speed from sending his cap sailing off. For all of the derision slung his way, the Margrave would be the first on the scene and the last one left standing. Well, after Collin. He was the only one who knew which way to run, after all. Of course, this entire rush went to waste when the Wards surged into the elevator, barely a stone's throw away from the training room. Refusing to allow his bubble to be burst, Elliot kept his hands and his stance exactly the same even as he stood still in the descending elevator car, ready to sprint out and keep running as if nothing had every happened. Even when an odd noise issued from Evelyn, and odd behavior followed, he didn't even look at her. His performance in the upcoming moments would be vitally important. With a power like his that commanded denigration rather than respect, and which had limited application, any second in a fight could be his last. The trick would be to appear to be full of confidence even if none sustained him.