[center][h2][color=#20B2AA]Zach Kozel:[/color]
[color=goldenrod]Denver Alley[/color][/h2][/center]
The man didn't even try to avoid the punch, and Zach smiled brightly, happy with the small victory. He stepped backwards, celebrating internally before looking the man in the eyes. He didn't seem hurt in the least, as if he had been bit by a persistent mosquito. No pain, just contempt was held in the human trash's eyes.

"Fuck you, asshole!" called one of the thugs from behind. "Nobody hits Murderface!"

The crowbar collided with the back of Zach's head before he had time to turn towards the one who spoke. It didn't hurt, and truth be told it hadn't even touched skin. The crowbar wasn't deflected, but all of its momentum had stopped before it could harm Zach. The man suddenly fell back, dropping the crowbar in the process. The thug let out a cry of pain, his arms clearly damaged. It wasn't too surprising, as Zach's power seemed to stop momentum too fast for a normal human body to compensate for.

Zach reached down, picking up the crowbar as the thugs formed a circle around him. What had been four enemies had been effectively struck down to three, and Zach hadn't even started hitting yet. The thug he had turned his back on, as apart of the process of Zach grabbing a weapon looked visibly shook. He clearly did not believe what he had just seen, which was fair. Not every day did you see a young punk survive a lethal blow without a flinch.

The determined footfalls echoed down the alley as Zach approached the thug he had punched, rearing back his crowbar as he swung wildly for the head. The man ducked quickly, backing off to draw his pistol from his pants. The man quickly leveled the gun to shoot Zach in the chest, and the crack of the bullet echoed down the alley.

[color=#00b200][b]”I fucking hate people like you. Your [i]kind[/i], you dogs. You're less than human.”[/b][/color]

A second shot rung out, and the sound of it ricocheting off metal was clearly heard. The sound was filtered by Zach's passenger so as to not hurt his ears. The boy rushed forward, clearly not impeded. He swung the crowbar again, hitting the towering thug in the hip. The men behind him had seemed to lose their will to fight, but the man in front of Zach lost his ability to walk. The man's hip bone was severely damaged, and the Zach didn't stop himself. He hit the man again after he fell to the ground, as a guttural scream of pain escaped from the lips of the garbage laid before him. The second hit shattered the man's hip bone. The third hit stuck the part of the crowbar normally for nail removal inside of the space between the lowest two ribs, and forced Zach to wrench it out. Blood had splattered across the alleyway in front of him, and across his face. His formerly clean hoodie was now stained. The screaming continued to escape the man's lips, and Zach turned back to the men behind him.

[color=#00b200][b]”Tell your friends”[/b][/color] He said, trying his best to seem cool. His hands were shaking, and he looked more than a little terrified. [color=#00b200][i]I'm glad it was just these monkeys, I don't have to feel bad about hurting them[/i][/color] He thought to himself, as one of the men who tried to kill him started to run.

The trash with the knife looked scared, maybe more scared of judgement by his peers than of Zach. He started to approach Zach, the knife held in a white-knuckle grip. Zach tilted his head in interest, not making a move to approach the man just yet. Screams of pain were still echoing down the alley, emanating from the man too unlucky to pass out.