[h2]Arsenal - Denver Alley[/h2] "Man, my back is killing me," Bill mumbled, performing several basic stretches to relieve the stress that plagued his body. It seemed that trying to become a living weapon was a real killer, the weight from his Six Shooter was putting some real pressure on himself, especially on his back. As he was stretching, Bill was in the lobby of a private airport, it was a decent distance away from the populated city of Denver, but it did allow the more questionable passengers to travel without security or capes breathing down their necks. It provided breathing space for villains, more so Arsenal in general as he would have been caught as early as passing through the metal detector. Still, Carson arrived at his destination in a timely manner, Denver being the closest populated city that provided one of the many headquarters that sprawled across America. Though, it was truly going nigh impossible challenge that he will be preforming, not only was he going to try to exterminate every known cape in the world, but most possibly have to kill every single aspiring hero during his onslaught. It truly is an impossible mission, but that didn't mean too much to Arsenal. He didn't expect to leave out of this journey alive, whether in the end if he would wind up dead, or if he would still be considered alive by the end of his mission. Carson sighed, it was something that he would just have to think about after he had crossed that endless bridge, but it was time to start this mission. He donned his costume, opened the doors, and entered to this bleak future ahead of him. Now within the confines of the city after a long drive, Bill saw that the movements were slow, the crowds were big, and the entire area reeking of pollution. However, he quite happy with all that was going around him. Bill never left his home, the only interactions with humans were the occasional teacher and the humble servants. It was all very interesting, experiencing something outside of just plotting the defeat of his father. Though, in the exciting front of the city, Arsenal knew that his vengeance was more of a priority over enjoying life. Soon, the car gently stopped, he was more than a few blocks away from the PTR Headquarters. He needed to take in the city's design if he was going to make his escape after the shooting. It would be outright stupid to just shoot up a building full of super-powered beings and just run into the streets without any plan of escape. Thanking the man for the transportation after paying him, Bill exited the car and into the streets of Denver. Immediately, as Arsenal left the safety of the tinted car window, most eyes landed upon the costumed stranger. This situation was feeling just a bit awkward, too many eyes glued upon him as he started to enter the crowd of civilians. They were most likely trying to figure out if the costume was just worn by a regular person or a cape. Arsenal just kept on moving, memorizing the streets, alleys, and other points of interest while making his way to the PTR Headquarters. Still, he was getting more than second glances at this point, and was pretty sure people were trying to take subtle pictures at the strangely dressed person. Bill started to move faster, trying to break the line of contact from the murmuring crowd, but it seemed that their persistence to meet a live parahuman was greater than expected. So as soon as he could, Arsenal subtlety shifted from out of the crowd and into the shadows of a nearby alleyway. Taking the path less chosen, he tried to work his way into the general direction of the headquarters. He tried to turn into another corner, then a force slammed against his side, forcing him to stumble against the object. "Watch where you're running!" Bill hissed out, turning to the stranger before his eyes laid upon the situation behind the stranger. A boy, no older than himself was standing over a bloodied, screaming man with a crowbar in hand. The scene looked quite brutal, Bill could tell from this distance that the screaming man had severe blunt force trauma to the hip, done most likely by the imposing person. There was another trying to fight for their survival, and the stranger that ran into him was most likely trying to save himself from the menace. Arsenal scanned the teen, his build wasn't something quite proud of in a fight, and his stance was something that of someone who had never fought in their life. Yet, there lied severely brutalized tough, older male without a single scratch on his body. It seemed that Bill had caught sight of his first cape, hidden away in the back ally of this vacant lot. He squinted at the individual, the Six Shooter whirring underneath the poncho, and soon yelled at the stranger. "Are you are hero?"