[@Nikki Moonlight][@Lady Athena] Rai snapped himself out of his pseudo-daydream and shoved the worn baseball bat in his locker, even if he had just secured his place in the cadet class, there was no time to take it easy. Rai grabbed a few supplies before closing his locker and heading off to the cadet class, a place where he would hopefully learn what he needed in order to get out into the field and start killing some fangs. As he was walking, Rai couldn't help but think about [i]them[/i]. The Moon Demon Company, they were cream of the crop when it came to vampire extermination. Rai wanted to join them so very badly, he would have to prove his worth in this class in order to join them, and he was ready to do whatever it would take to do so. He wouldn't admit it to anybody, but Rai was a little bit nervous about joining the cadet class, what were the other students going to think of him? What would happen if he [i]couldn't[/i] prove himself? Rai pushed those thoughts aside, now was not a good time to be having doubts after all. He had to make a good impression on the other cadets, if he showed any kind of doubt in himself, they might see it as a weakness and use it against him. The rest of these thoughts would have to wait though as Rai now was nearing his destination, the cram school building, from now on it would be his new classroom.