[b]Real Life Name[/b]: Ming Li Sung [b]Soul Story Name[/b]: Ming [b]Age RL[/b]: 19 [b]Age In Game[/b]: 16 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Weapon[/b]: Greatsword [b]Weapon Name[/b]: Shashou [b]Class[/b]: Barbarian – This class is focused on two things and two things only: Speed and Strength. Able to deliver crushing blows via herculean power at blinding rates, this class is all about the damage per second. As a drawback however, they have very few abilities outside of combat itself and are particularly weak to magical or mental attacks. [b]Soul Attack[/b]: Vjaya: The Sound of Waking Thunder [b]Personality[/b]: Very naive and child-like, Ming often gets itself into trouble either through ignorance or good-natured clumsiness. Indeed, this woes are often compounded by the abilities of her class, which grant her herculean strength; something she isn’t really used too and which sometimes causes problems. [b]Avatar Appearance[/b]: Small but nimble, Ming stands only a few feet tall but more than makes up for her tiny appearance with a sort of overwhelming presence of personality. She has a somewhat athletic build although it doesn't show much, making her most prominent feature the vast brightness of her unusual pink eyes. Besides this, probably the second most notable thing is her clothing; a dress of sorts that doesn't seem to fit all that well (though this was an intentional choice). Due to the differences between Soul Story and the real world, Ming's in-game stats have little effect on her appearance, which causes her to catch some off guard when they find out she's actually a barbarian. [img] http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p301/Averium/Role%20Play/Role%20Play%202/MingLiSung.jpg [/img]