Rhasha had been... quiet, during his time in Dawnstar. Even quiet during his journey with the mercenary group from the Armiger outpost to the small hold capital - and while he was generally a quiet sort of individual, this was unusual for the Khajiit. For there were many thoughts going through his mind; both in the journey, and in the events that had occurred in Dawnstar... there were things he had to mull over in his mind.

First of all, the sudden appearance of his sister. Although his thoughts of any kind of animosity - brought about simply be being related to a member of such a notorious assassin society - had been laid to rest already, he was still somewhat conflicted. Specifically so when it came to his monthly letter. A document he had promised for his parents at each turn of the month - for they deserved to know of his journeys and perils... also simply to know whether he was alive or not. Skyrim was a dangerous place, after all; even for folk who were welcome there, unlike the Khajiit. However, they also wished to know of La'Dansharr, for they had lost her many years ago. Although Rhasha knew of his absolute necessity to protect his sister (For her life, his life, and the life of anyone who would read such truths about his sister), there was a sour taste left in his mouth at the thought off lying to his parents.

Taking a deep breath of tobacco from his pipe, Rhasha tapped the parchment perched upon his bent knee hesitantly. What to write? News of the Kamal had likely already reached Elsweyr, but still... he had no wish to worry his parents. Did they need to know that he and his younger siblings had only just escaped from the Ice Demons? Did they need to know of the siege on the city? And what of the subsequent mission to Winterhold, and the god-like storms they had encountered?

[i]"Ugh... this one does not need to give his parent's heart attacks. Perhaps..."[/i] His thoughts paused there, as did the nib of his quill over the parchment - ink dripping and staining the cream coloured paper. Finally getting his thoughts into some sort of order, Rhasha'Dar pressed the nib to the paper.

[i]"Fado and Ahnurr,

This one regrets that he could not write to you sooner - it had been a busy time in Skyrim; but there is no need to go into details. This one does not care to worry or bore you with them.

As you have no doubt heard, beasts known as the Kamal had attacked Skyrim, and no doubt other places in Tamriel. It is a cause for concern, but this one trusts you will know what to do, should the time come for them to attack our homeland. They seem to move along coastlines, so Cyrodiil is likely your best bet for safety.

Ah...more talk of fear. This one should know better! Instead, he will tell you of good news - La'Dansharr has appeared to him once again, giving her wishes and love to the family. She is in a difficult place; a difficult job. She is unable to write to you herself, nor go back home. But she is safe, and happy - and this one hopes that is enough to bring some peace into your hearts. She did not leave for some small reason, after all.

The twins are also safe, and send their love - this one only hopes they have followed his advice in actually writing to you themselves... but there is much doubt there. You know what they're like.

There is not much else to say, other than your Rhasha is among friends - and he will write to you again when the time comes.

Also, give M'Vrasha a hug from everyone here in Skyrim - and pass along well-being to our eldest. This one only hopes he was not as bloodthirsty as the papers indicated."[/i]

Quill once again paused, Rhasha sighed and set the parchment aside. That would do - hopefully, it would be enough to keep his parents content. However, this last sentence worried him, somewhat - Rhasha had read the gazette, and was somewhat concerned of the situation in Senechal. While impressed that this brother had done so well, the word "slaughterhouse" being used was troublesome. Surely, his brother didn't have the capability to act as such?

[i]"The world is a savage place... it should not be so surprising."[/i] Twas a sombre thought, but not exactly untrue. Everything that had happened in the past few weeks - the Kamal, the Armiger's... and now the murder of Orakh, by their very own Farid, was only evidence to the statement. Rhasha had not known either of them very well - only what other's in the company had said of them. But the act had been shocking to most, especially in the idyllic setting of the festival in Dawnstar. However, Rhasha did not agree with with Farid's manner of punishment. Trial by combat was either an easy death, or an easy way to freedom - there was no real punishment there, not for someone who had nothing left to lose. The Khajiit would have preferred a regular trial, done by the Jarl and leading up to some form of real punishment... but he was not in charge of the group, and didn't have enough heart dedicated to the matter to bring his concerns to Ashav. Instead, Rhasha had avoided the group congregating around the trial, sitting further along the docks instead and occupying his mind with other things - for example, the water.

It was calm now, not as it had been all those nights ago near Winterhold. And yet, the fear of such things remained - he could not swim, and was a burden to the company until taught otherwise. Perhaps somebody in the company could aid him in the avoidance of drowning?