[center][h2][color=#20B2AA]Zach Kozel:[/color]
[color=goldenrod]Denver Alley[/color][/h2][/center]
 "Are you a hero?"

The words came from the direction one of the black thugs had fled. A man stood there, a poncho over his chest, a sombrero over his head, and a bandana on his mouth. Something was off though, the bulges underneath the cloth didn't seem correct though it was hard to pinpoint in what way they were wrong. Zach shrugged off his confusion, and answered the man while shifting his eyes back to the waste with a knife.

[color=#00b200][b]"I'm not-These apes were trying to mug m-"[/b][/color]

The words caught in his throat as something rushed past his left shoulder and tackled the man with the knife, catching both Zach and the vagrant off guard. The knife clattered to the ground, as the man fell to the ground, and quickly had his brains painted onto the alley floor. The creature stood from the scene, along with the corpse of the man it had slaughtered. A man came out of the shadows from behind Zach, kneeling down to talk to the man with the broken hip. As he knelt down the last thug glanced around, chain in hand, before thinking better of it and fleeing without a word. He was around the corner before Zach could react, and a sigh escaped Zach's lips.

[color=lightcoral]"Will you shut up! you are not going to die. you have a fractured hip and possibly a cracked femur, but the kid doenst look strong enough to break that."[/color] The man suddenly glanced up to one of the corpses that was nearby and started speaking again. [color=lightcoral]"Frank, come pick this guy up we will need to get him to a hospital. I can't fix these bones without a surgical suite."[/color] The man stood, turning to Zach for the first time, and introduced himself twice. The first attempt was unintelligible because of the coughing fit that overtook him. [color=lightcoral]"I'm Necro.."[/color] He said, blood staining the man's bone sleeve. Actually the man seemed to be covered in what appeared to be bone, whitewashed by prolonged exposure to the sun.  Zach shook off his surprise and responded to the man's earlier statement.

[color=#00b200][b]"Wait a minute, what the fuck is that about medical care? This man tried to shoot me, and he would have killed me if I wasn't-"[/b][/color] Zach paused, skipping a beat before continuing. [color=#00b200][b]"Anyways this filthy ape doesn't deserve medical care. He deserves to die in the street, to be disposed of in the nearest garbage can."[/b][/color]

Zach's hand that held the crowbar was still shaking, and he raised it slightly. A threat, not to Necro, but to the man who had recently stopped screaming. The scrap of a man almost whimpered, appearing more then a little pathetic. His attention suddenly shifted, and the young Kozel suddenly glanced over to the mysterious stranger.

[color=#00b200][b]"Wait a minute, are you with-"[/b][/color] Zach paused again, before remembering the name of the skeleton clad man [color=#00b200][b]"Necro. Are you with Necro?"[/b][/color]